How to shape watermelons in the open ground: pinching rules

How to shape watermelons in the open ground: pinching rules

Heat-loving melons prefer to grow in southern latitudes, where hot and dry. But this does not mean, that such a culture cannot be grown in our region is the main thing, decent care and attention to plants. And yet - a timely pinch of watermelons, to tie the berries were large. Interesting? Then read on!

Why form a watermelon

You need to pinch watermelons? Unambiguously, So! For melons, this procedure is almost identical to the sowing of other crops. Pinching allows future watermelons to grow bigger and sweeter. Notable, that the formation of watermelons is not a mandatory procedure, if you grow watermelons in a greenhouse. It is necessary, if the culture grows in open beds, and even more so in the cold northern regions.

How to instill culture

Some farmers believe, that soaking watermelons is a procedure, which only harms the crop. In fact, this is not the case. If you trim the whips correctly, then the quality of the future harvest can only be improved. Example, you need to remember, that berries are formed only on the main stem, and all minor stepsons can be safely removed. And then, do not leave more than 4 ovaries on the plant, otherwise all the berries will be small.

As soon as enough fruit is formed, trim the whip this way, so that only a few leaves remain above the ovary. But that's not all. Every week the main escape will give new side tendrils, removal of which is a mandatory procedure, so that the fruits grow to the proper size.

Features of stem pinching

In order not to harm the future harvest, important to know, how to properly pinch watermelons:

  • it is extremely important not to touch the main stem, removing from watermelons only stepsons and side whiskers - it depends on the general condition of the whole bush;
  • do not leave many ovaries on one bush - each plant can form from 4 to 6 fruits, depending on the varietal variety;
  • watermelon shoots in the open ground, which do not bear fruit, you need to pinch immediately;
  • pinching watermelons is no longer acceptable, if the bushes began to actively grow fruit.

Pinching watermelon ovaries

Speaking of which, how to pinch a watermelon, all possible ways should be considered, often used by gardeners:

  1. In the first case, you need to pasynkuvat side shoots of the plant. This method is used for all varieties of melons. You need to leave a few ovaries on the main shoot, and the laterals should be stripped of the ovaries. Each of them is pinched like this, so that only a few leaves remain.
  2. The next method of forming a bush involves removing the side shoots. Ovaries should be left through each 5 leaves and all the excess must be ruthlessly cut off.
  3. And the third, the most common way - in this case, the side whips are not removed. You have to wait, when fruits are formed on the side plates, in parallel removing all shoots from the main stem, and on all plant leave no more 6 fruits. No more should be left on each shoot 2 ovaries, and the top should be pinched at height 3 leaves.

If the weather is wet, rot may develop at the site of the cut, which will definitely affect the condition of the bush not in the most favorable way.

The advice of the gardener

To know, how to pinch a watermelon properly, you need to get acquainted with some features of the process:

  • the formation of a watermelon bush involves the preservation of the main stem, to prevent plant death. How many leaves can be left? Not more 7;
  • before shaping your watermelons, growing in open ground, check the size of the berries - as soon as they reach the diameter 10 cm, plants must be pinched;
  • as the plant develops, shoots should be tied up, otherwise they may break off;
  • many farmers argue, whether to continue watering and forming a bush after that, as berries formed and grew. The answer is simple: as soon as the fruits are formed, nor pinch, nor water the ground around the berries is not possible, otherwise their marketable qualities will deteriorate.

so, the scheme of pinching watermelons is quite simple, the main thing, follow the generally accepted rules and prevent arbitrary growth of the bush. We hope so, we fully answered the question "how to pinch watermelons", and now the process of growing this melon crop will not be difficult for you. It is difficult for you to succeed in the difficult task of growing melons, but very nice and profitable! Very little effort - and now you are treating your neighbors with home-grown ones, sweet and crunchy watermelons, accepting well-deserved compliments to his farming talent. Or maybe, you prefer salty berries? You choose!

Watermelon Formation Video

In this video you will hear useful tips for forming watermelons.

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