Categories: Finances

How to declare bankruptcy of an individual and an individual entrepreneur - the procedure + conditions of declaration and recognition of bankruptcy

Hello, Dear readers of the business magazine ""! Today we will talk about it, how to declare yourself a bankrupt individual and sole proprietor (IP), what conditions are necessary for that, to declare himself bankrupt before the bank.

You will learn from this article:

  • As an individual to declare himself bankrupt and what it will give him;
  • What are the consequences of bankruptcy of a natural person and an individual entrepreneur;
  • How and what steps should be taken, to declare himself incompetent;
  • What can be a court decision in a bankruptcy case;
  • And whether to seek the help of professionals in declaring themselves bankrupt.

Also at the end of the article, readers will find answers to frequently asked questions.

The financial side is one of the most important in life. That is why legal protection in this area is very important. In many cases, it is the bankruptcy procedure that helps to cope with a difficult situation.

About bankruptcy - what is it, what are the signs and stages of this procedure, we wrote in a separate article.

Therefore, the article will be useful to absolutely all individuals, as well as individual entrepreneurs. Features of declaring citizens insolvent absolutely everyone should know.

It is important to understand, that in the conditions of economic crisis even that can get into a difficult situation, who currently pays their loans regularly and handles their financial responsibilities. Read more about the peculiarities of the bankruptcy procedure right now!

About that, how to declare / declare yourself bankrupt (individuals and individual entrepreneurs), what are the conditions for a bankruptcy declaration - read more about this and much more

1. How to declare yourself bankrupt in front of the bank, giving up debts - the legal side of personal bankruptcy

Organizations have long had the right to declare themselves bankrupt in the Russian Federation. At the same time for individuals, as well as ENTREPRENEUR, this opportunity has recently appeared - in October 2015 year.

Draft law, governing the bankruptcy of individuals, discussed for about ten years. All this time he aroused keen interest in the population and already in 2014 year was adopted. However, its entry into force was delayed due to the need to consider several important amendments.

Another reason for this delay was the large number of expected applications from citizens. There was a court at that time not ready to cope with such an influx.

Despite the many difficulties, this law was passed. As a result, individuals have been able to solve their own financial problems, and end harassment of collection agencies.

In a sense, thanks to new amendments and changes in the legal framework, every individual has a chance to start life from scratch.

1.1. Relevance and timeliness of legislation on bankruptcy of individuals

Today you can buy almost everything on credit. This is not only very expensive property - apartments and cars, but also household appliances, phones and other not too expensive things. At the same time, competition in the credit products market is very high.

A large number of banks, trying to lure customers to himself, constantly simplify the procedure for obtaining loans. Today you can get a significant amount only with a passport.

On the one hand, this state of affairs has a beneficial effect on the economy: citizens can afford more, turnover is growing.

However, in a crisis, as well as low financial literacy of the population are increasingly common situations, when funds to settle loans received is missing.

Statistics allow us to assess the scale of the tragedy of the situation. Almost 15 millions of Russian citizens (that is, every tenth) pay more than one loan. In the first half 2015 year the amount of overdue debt on Russian loans reached record levels and exceeded 17%. In monetary terms, this is close 35 billion rubles.

Experts have counted, that's about it 1 with 5 (five) Borrowers do not make payments on loans on time. This situation is observed for all types of loans - mortgages, consumer, as well as car loans.

Not all Russian citizens are financially literate enough. Many people forget about the important rule of borrowing - before you take a loan should carefully calculate the possibilities of its service, and take into account all existing risks.

As a result, the natural and laudable desire to improve living standards is the cause of significant problems.

The results of such irresponsible behavior in the financial part of life are always very unpleasant. Income does not allow you to pay your obligations on time and in full. Banks in this case charge fines and all sorts of interest, and debt is growing steadily.

Even that, that due to the onset of the crisis, the growth in the number of new loans declined, the amount of overdue payments remains very high, after all, no one cancels old debts.

The situation has become very critical: today, a huge number of Russians have lost control of their finances.

All the above circumstances have forced the Russian government to benefit from the experience of civilized Europe. In countries, located there, bankruptcy of citizens has been going on for several decades.

1.2. What are the opportunities for bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy law allows Russian citizens, in which the amount of debt exceeds 500 (p'yatsot) thousand rubles, if it is not possible to pay for the obligations undertaken, apply to the courts to declare yourself bankrupt.

However, in addition to bankruptcy, other ways to solve the problem are established by law:

  1. concluding an amicable agreement between the lender and the borrower;
  2. restructuring of existing debt.

The law applies to all citizens, including those registered as sole proprietors. The right to initiate bankruptcy proceedings is not only the borrower, but also the lender, to which he has money.

So, the adoption of the bankruptcy law was enough important and expected. Probably, in the near future the number of those, who exercised the right to declare bankruptcy will not be exhausted.

This is expected, that will write off most of the debt, and for many citizens, optimal options for financial rehabilitation will be found (sanitation).

Possible consequences of declaring an individual entrepreneur and an individual bankrupt

2. Consequences of declaring an individual and a sole proprietor bankrupt

If an individual is declared bankrupt, all property belonging to him, which is more expensive 100 (what) thousand rubles, should be implemented through bankruptcy auctions during 6 (six) months. The sales process is managed by the financial manager. About the progress of implementation, as well as settlements with creditors, he reports to the Arbitration Court.

When all the property belonging to the debtor will be sold, the court recognizes the citizen free from debts. At the same time, even in those cases, when liabilities to creditors are not repaid in full, debts burn.

This is due to the fact, that sell the debtor nothing more. The result of the procedure is the recognition of an individual as bankrupt and the closure of the relevant case.

For 3 (three) years from the beginning of debt restructuring the citizen has no right:

  • becomes the founder of a legal entity, as well as buy shares in any company;
  • carry out free transactions with property (this is possible only with the consent of the manager).

The following restrictions apply from the moment an individual is declared bankrupt:

  1. Inability to work in management positions for five years.
  2. Prohibition on conducting any type of business.
  3. The obligation to notify the bank when declaring a loan is less 5 (five) years ago.

in addition, during the bankruptcy proceedings of a citizen can not be difficulties in going abroad. This restriction is usually removed afterwards, how all the property will be sold.

Everyone, who decides to initiate bankruptcy proceedings, must understand, that a positive decision in this case would be a stigma on the reputation of the individual.

Credit institutions do not want to lend money to individuals, who were declared bankrupt. Even if a loan is issued, the interest rate will be at the highest level, as the previous credit history will not be taken into account.

Yet, for citizens there are also pros from bankruptcy. First of all, the positive point is, that after, how the property will be sold, harassment by creditors will end. In this case, the debtor will stop torturing calls, letters and visits.

As soon as a decision is made to declare the debtor bankrupt, the financial manager sends information about it to the relevant media. Moreover, a message will be sent to each bank, where the individual was a borrower.

The citizen will have the status of bankrupt for five years from the moment the relevant decision is made.

So, bankruptcy proceedings have a number of very serious consequences. It is important to understand, what they are, so as not to be in an unexpected situation in the future.

Conditions for bankruptcy of an individual

3. Terms of declaring and declaring a natural person bankrupt - who initiates and makes decisions

Today, most citizens have the opportunity to buy almost anything, not even having the funds to do so. At the same time rates in Russia today very high.

As a result, many borrowers have difficulty repaying existing loans. Often they try to solve such difficulties, issuing new loans to repay old ones.

Since the fall 2015 year in those, who have taken a large number of loans and are unable to repay them, there is an opportunity to solve your problems by declaring yourself bankrupt. Relevant cases are being conducted by the Russian Arbitration Court.

To date, almost six hundred thousand borrowers have been involved in bankruptcy proceedings (the number continues to grow), which is about 1.5 (one and a half) percent of their total number. in addition, close 6,5 millions of borrowers have a delay of more 3 (three) months. Expected, that they may also use the legal right to declare bankruptcy in order to solve financial problems.

That the citizen had an opportunity to be declared bankrupt, a number of conditions must be met:

  • the amount owed on all liabilities of the individual (example, all types of loans, utility and other payments) exceeds half a million (500 thousands) rubles;
  • the delay has exceeded 90 days;
  • the citizen is insolvent.

It is important to understand, what is insolvency. Lawyers attach the following meaning to this concept: this is financial status, which is manifested, when, after making all the obligatory payments, the citizen has a sum of money left, which is less than the subsistence level.

3.1. Who is the initiator of the bankruptcy case

Simply put, Bankruptcy means a proven inability of a citizen to pay his own debts. In this case, the initiator of the bankruptcy procedure may be not only the individual or entrepreneur, but also directly to their creditors.

Most often banks and other companies, how citizens have money, resort to this possibility in cases, when the borrower is suspected of lying.

In fact, the borrower has the ability to make payments on their own obligations, however, for some reason does not want to do so.

More, theoretically, it is possible to file an application to declare the deceased borrower bankrupt. The initiator in this case may be relatives, who inherited debts.

3.2. Who has the right to declare himself bankrupt

It is important to understand, that the decision to declare a citizen bankrupt may be made only the arbitral tribunal. At the same time, its employees must prove the presence of signs of insolvency, or lack thereof.

In other words, in the case of filing an application if a citizen wishes to obtain bankruptcy status will have to prove, that he cannot pay for his own obligations.

Reasons, of which a citizen may refuse to repay his debts, can be a huge number. Not all of them the court agrees to satisfy.

All reasons for refusal to extinguish can be divided into:

  • objective, which do not depend on the borrower, example, crisis period in the country;
  • subjective - reasons, depending on personal life circumstances, example, disease, release, loss of money as a result of business collapse.

If a citizen wants, to declare him bankrupt, he must understand, that for 5 (five) years he is unlikely to be able to obtain a new loan. On the one hand, this leads to the impossibility of buying expensive things, on the other hand, it is unlikely to get into new debts.

Citizens must be as conscious as possible in solving financial problems. It is important not only to make the right decision, but also to analyze the possible consequences of developments.

Procedure for declaring yourself bankrupt

4. How to declare bankruptcy to an individual - step by step guide

Tim, who wants to declare himself bankrupt, will have to go through a number of steps. Only this will help get rid of debt. But do not forget, that going bankrupt is not so easy. Even if there is a court decision positive, pay for your obligations in any way you have to in any case.

The calculation will be carried out until then, while the debtor has any property, as moving, and still.

All the assets of the bankrupt will be sold at the auction, representing any value.

The only restriction - it will not be possible to take away the only housing, belonging to the debtor. (But it is proposed to amend the law, where they will allow to sell the debtor's only housing and buy cheaper, thus carry out “not the sale of residential real estate, and its "replacement".

So don't expect it, that bankruptcy will be a painless and successful solution to financial problems. For the most part, this is just a delay in settling your own obligations.

However, bankruptcy can be a great way to relieve psychological pressure, and eliminate claims from collectors.

As for the procedure of declaring a citizen bankrupt, it is carried out in several successive steps.

Step №1. Registration of a package of documents

The first stage of the bankruptcy procedure is to collect the necessary documents. Remember, that the application for bankruptcy is not the only necessary document.

The full package of all necessary papers is quite significant, traditionally it includes:

  • documents, identity, as well as citizen status, - the passport, birth certificates of all children, as well as marriage;
  • if the debtor was divorced, in addition to the relevant certificate, documents will be required, concerning the division of property;
  • TIN certificate;
  • statement on the personal account of the taxpayer;
  • document, confirming registration (or its absence) as a sole proprietor;
  • papers, confirming financial capacity - certificates of income for the latter 3 months, and in case of absence of a place of work the document from employment service;
  • documents, concerning the obligations of the citizen - a list of creditors, information on the amount of debt, stitching;
  • medical papers - certificates of disability, diseases, hospital and more;
  • guardianship papers and the availability of dependents;
  • information about the debtor's property.

Importantly! Зазначите в заяві всі наявні дані, confirming the fact of bankruptcy.

The application must be submitted to the Arbitration Court (personally), registering it with the office. Download the application for bankruptcy of the debtor (sample) can be found at the link.

Sample application for recognition of the debtor bankrupt (.docx, 17,8 kb.)

After preparing the necessary documents and filling out the application, you can proceed to the next step.

Step №2. Transfer of documents to court

When the application will be prepared, as well as collected the entire package of necessary documents, you can apply to the arbitral tribunal. It is important to decide, which department to go to.

There are several options:

  • at the place of current residence;
  • at the address of the last registration;
  • in the area of ​​actual residence at the time of going to court.

It is necessary to prepare as carefully as possible before applying to the courts. This will avoid various bureaucratic delays and resolve the case as soon as possible.

If you decide to go bankrupt there is no time and desire to do this procedure yourself, it is possible trust professionals. In this case, you will need to issue a power of attorney, which should contain information about the powers of the trustee. It should be specified, whether she has the right to represent the debtor in court, submit all necessary requests and applications. If the authority is transferred in full, the borrower himself will not have to worry about anything.

There are several ways to apply to the courts:

  • personally;
  • through the mail;
  • through a trustee;
  • using the court website.

When all the documents are submitted, the work of the judiciary begins. Their task is prove or to refute that fact, that the debtor is unable to pay its own obligations for any reason.

To this end, the court staff checks, whether the citizen's desire to become bankrupt is justified. It is necessary to find out, have not been conducted by the applicant in recent years large property transactions.

This is especially true of real estate donations, and closing bank accounts and depositing funds in the name of relatives.

Remember, that any attempt to conceal the existence of any property is fraught with all sorts of troubles. It can be like imposing a fine (administrative responsibility), and imprisonment (criminal liability).

Step №3. Seizure of the debtor's property and appointment of an arbitration trustee

As soon as the court opens proceedings to declare a citizen bankrupt, the property belonging to him is seized. in addition the judiciary appoints a financial manager.

Functions and values ​​of arbitration (financial) managers

The main functions of financial managers are:

  1. control the financial condition of the defaulter;
  2. communicate with creditors;
  3. if possible, draw up a debt restructuring plan;
  4. if the citizen is declared bankrupt, evaluate and sell the property belonging to him.

The debtor should be understood, that the disposal of his property is complete carried out through an arbitration trustee. Therefore, any transactions with assets, which will take place without the participation of a designated controller, will be declared invalid.

The financial manager performs his work for a fee. It usually consists of a fixed part (from 10 (ten) to 25 (twenty five) thousand rubles) and an additional bonus of 2% of the amount, paid to creditors.

To better understand the specifics of each step of the bankruptcy procedure, they are described in the table below.

Stage Necessary procedures Terms of implementation
1. Registration of a package of documents Appeal to private and public organizations in order to obtain the necessary information Individual and depend on the specific situation, in the middle - 1 (one) — 2 (two) weeks
2. Transfer of documents to court Making an application

Transfer of the package of documents with the application to the relevant judicial authorities

1 (one) — 2 (two) days
3. Making a decision The citizen must interact with the judiciary, as well as financial manager From 14 days to six months

Leadership as a sole proprietorship to bankrupt - the necessary conditions and consequences of declaring a sole proprietor bankrupt

5. How to announce (to recognize) SP bankrupt - conditions and reasons for declaring bankruptcy

Individual entrepreneurs are equated with individuals. Therefore, the procedure for declaring them bankrupt is carried out in accordance with the same stages, as for citizens. However, there are some differences.

The main difference concerns the package of documents provided. In addition to the list, relating to the average citizen, The ENTREPRENEUR must submit:

  • certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • extract from EGRIP;
  • certificate of payment to the budget (taxes).

In times of crisis, many entrepreneurs find it difficult to stay afloat, do not fall into losses.

Most often, bankrupt entrepreneurs in such a situation or close the SP, or declare themselves bankrupt. We wrote the article "How to close an individual entrepreneur" in a separate article.

Those of them, operating in the market for a long time, usually have professional lawyers or regularly consult with such specialists. Therefore, they often have no difficulties with declaring bankruptcy.

Just like a citizen, an individual entrepreneur must apply to the Arbitration Court and go through bankruptcy. Only then can debts be written off.

It is important to remember, that not only an entrepreneur has the right to initiate the procedure of declaring insolvent, but also its creditors.

You can apply in the following cases:

  1. the amount of debt exceeded 300 (three hundred) thousand rubles;
  2. Payments on liabilities are not made more than 90 days;
  3. wages are delayed.

As in the case of bankruptcy of an individual entrepreneur, an arbitration trustee is appointed.

He becomes the central figure in the court case and performs the following functions:

  • drawing up and control of the debt restructuring plan;
  • participation in court hearings;
  • negotiations on an amicable settlement.

in addition, the financial manager is obliged to find out, why the activities of the entrepreneur have become inefficient.

The reasons for this situation may be:

  1. the entrepreneur lacks the necessary knowledge and professionalism;
  2. incompetence of employees;
  3. wrong pricing policy;
  4. low competitiveness and other factors.

So, the procedure for declaring an individual entrepreneur bankrupt is practically no different from this process for citizens.

6. What can be a court decision (amicable settlement, restructuring, bankruptcy)

After receiving the relevant application together with a package of documents, the court begins proceedings to declare the citizen bankrupt.

The result of the lawsuit may be one of 3 (three) decisions:

  1. the settlement agreement;
  2. debt restructuring;
  3. granting a citizen the official status of bankrupt.

Let's consider each decision in more detail.

6.1. The settlement agreement

An amicable agreement is concluded in that case, if the debtor and the creditor agree to resolve the financial dispute under certain conditions.

Example, some microfinance organizations, in which the percentage is disproportionately high, agree to terminate the persecution of the debtor if he pays half of the debt.

In many cases, it is an amicable settlement is the best option for both parties. However, not all cases end in an agreement.

In this case, the court may decide to restructure the debt or declare the citizen bankrupt.

6.2. Debt restructuring

The main functions in the process of debt restructuring fall on the shoulders of the financial manager. After a careful analysis of the debts and financial situation of the citizen, he makes a new possible repayment plan. After that, the manager presents it to creditors.

The procedure for developing a new debt repayment plan is called restructuring.

The main task of this process is to improve the borrower's finances, at least a partial restoration of its solvency. Ideally, the restructuring plan should be developed in close cooperation with the creditor and the debtor..

There are several main options for debt restructuring:

  1. reduction of the monthly payment;
  2. increasing the maturity of the debt;
  3. announcement of credit vacations - deferrals for several months, when debt repayment is not carried out.

Restructuring usually suits both sides of the process. The debtor has a chance to repay the debt in accordance with their financial capabilities. More, after the adoption of the restructuring agreement accrual of fines and penalties ceases.

This decision is also beneficial for creditors, in contrast to the situation, when the debtor is declared bankrupt, and his debts are completely written off.

When restructuring, creditors have real chance sooner or later return the amount, lent.

Implementation of the plan, developed by the manager during the restructuring, carried out during Three (three) years.

During this period, the seizure of the debtor's property is lifted, but a number of restrictions are imposed on the legal rights of a citizen:

  1. It is forbidden to become a founder of companies.
  2. It is not allowed to buy shares in the business.
  3. A ban on free transactions is imposed.

In any case, during the period of debt restructuring, the citizen will have absolutely all the operations, associated with large sums of money, agree with the financial manager.

The debtor should know, that not everyone can count on restructuring. The condition for its implementation is availability of permanent income. Moreover, the amount received should be enough not only to make payments, provided by the developed plan. Part of the funds must remain for the residence of the debtor.

6.3. Bankruptcy of an individual (IP)

In cases, when concluding a peace agreement, as well as debt restructuring impossible, the court may decide to grant the citizen the status of bankrupt. In this case, the next step will be the sale of property, belonging to the debtor. They may even decide to sell part of the apartment, belonging to a man and jointly acquired.

However, not all property can be sold.

Not subject to implementation:

  • apartment, which is the only housing (exception - if it is collateral for a mortgage loan. It is also possible - selling the existing and buying cheaper);
  • private things;
  • land, on which the house stands, which is the only housing;
  • items, used in everyday life;
  • fuel, designed for home heating;
  • cattle, as well as with animals;
  • prizes and prizes, issued in official ownership;
  • state awards.

in addition, until the end of the procedure for the sale of property at auction the debtor has no right carry out any operations with seized assets.

Also, the debtor does not have the opportunity to leave Russia until he is declared bankrupt (this decision can be appealed in court).

So, court decision on bankruptcy in the case of bankruptcy of an individual or entrepreneur may be different. It all depends on the circumstances of the case, as well as a large number of nuances.

In some cases, the only way to resolve financial difficulties is to recognize insolvency.

7. Legal aid for bankruptcy professionals

Bankruptcy - The question is very difficult, not everyone can understand all the features and nuances on their own. So, who wants, that the court's decision was as favorable as possible for him, it is advisable to seek the help of professionals.

There are many ads with offers of assistance in conducting bankruptcy proceedings today. In such a situation the main thing make no mistake about the choice. Experts call several companies leaders in the field of bankruptcy proceedings.

1) National Bankruptcy Center

The represented company operates in most regions of our country. Highly qualified specialists with legal education provide assistance here.

Employees of the company help to prepare documents, as well as the relevant statement. More, subsequently, they lead the client's business to achieve the desired result.

2) All-Russian Bankruptcy Service

The head office of this company is located in Moscow, branches are distributed throughout Russia. For the convenience of clients, online consultations are organized.

Experts recommend contacting them here, who wants to solve the problem of bankruptcy as quickly as possible. Provide services for bankruptcy of legal entities.

3 ) STOP collection

The staff of the represented company has its own arbitration trustees. The company offers those who want to go through bankruptcy the best ways to overcome financial problems.

The company has been operating in the market for a long time. During this time, she has earned a favorable reputation, so you can safely apply here.

4) Legartis

This is the so-called center of legal support. Here they offer help, as well as consultations of professional lawyers at all times, relating to bankruptcy. The company's employees develop an individual approach to each client.

Carefully understanding all the nuances of each case, specialists will develop the optimal solution even in those situations, which seem very complex and unusual.

5) Advocacy

This company will help get rid of all debts in a completely legal way. Clients have repeatedly been convinced of the reliability of the company. In this case, before setting a fee for their own services, in the company free advise everyone, who applied.

So, team, who wants to declare bankruptcy as quickly and profitably as possible, it is best to seek the help of professionals. They will help to solve problems as effectively as possible.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions

In those, who dares to initiate bankruptcy proceedings, inevitably a huge number of questions arise. So you don't have to look for answers to them, studying a huge amount of information, we tried to answer the most relevant of them.

Question 1. Can I get a new loan?, if the court has granted me the status of bankrupt?

Theoretically, no one takes away your right to take out a new loan. However, it should be borne in mind, that for 5 (five) years from the date of bankruptcy, the potential borrower is obliged to notify the creditor of this court decision.

Even after the expiration of the specified term to the person, who has gone through bankruptcy proceedings, will be it is not easy to get a new loan. Most credit institutions believe, that in this case the risk of non-refund increases significantly.

Even if you can get a loan, you should not count on preferential interest rates. The point is, that after a citizen is declared bankrupt, his favorable credit history burns down.

Question 2. I was fired when I was laid off. Can I declare myself bankrupt??

Often, when reorganizing or liquidating a company, employees are asked to write a letter of resignation of their own volition.

Importantly! Do this not worth it, especially if you plan to file for bankruptcy. The court considers such actions as intentional deterioration of one's financial situation.

At the same time dismissal due to staff reductions on the contrary on the hand of a citizen. It means a decrease in solvency for reasons, not dependent on the debtor.

In this case, probably, bankruptcy proceedings will be resolved as soon as possible on the best terms for the debtor.

Question 3. I live in a mortgage apartment (this is my only home). It is not possible to pay the loan now. If you declare yourself bankrupt, what will happen to this apartment?

Apartment, bought a mortgage, is collateral for the loan. If the debtor has a desire to declare himself bankrupt, the bank has the right to withdraw the apartment, which is collateral.

In this case, it can be sold at auction, even in that case, if it is the only dwelling.

In this case, the borrower will have to decide, continue to pay the mortgage or move elsewhere.

The debtor should be understood, that when selling property at auction to him much less money will be spent.

Therefore, it is possible, that instead of declaring yourself bankrupt, it is better to try to sell the apartment yourself (About that, how to quickly sell an apartment we wrote in a separate article).

In this case, the borrower is looking for a buyer, who pays the balance of the mortgage debt, and the amount, the remaining transfers directly to the debtor.

You can solve the problem this way, if you agree in advance with the bank.

This also includes issues with the car (that is, try to sell it). We recommend in this case to read the article - "How to sell a car quickly and expensively".

Question 4. If I am declared bankrupt, my alimony arrears will be written off?

It is important to understand, that even in the case of declaring a citizen bankrupt, he will not be released from the payment of a number of obligations:

  • on alimony;
  • for compensation for non-pecuniary damage;
  • for physical damage.

This applies to both current debts, and that, which will arise in the future.

9. Conclusion + video on the topic

So, recently in every individual, as well as individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneur) there is a possibility of declaring yourself bankrupt. It is important to understand, that declaring a citizen insolvent is very difficult. Such a decision is not always profitable.

That is why experts advise to resort to bankruptcy only in those cases, when other options for solving financial problems not exist.

It is important that before applying for bankruptcy of the debtor, the court carefully analyzes all the possible consequences of such a decision. Moreover, should be decided before applying for a loan, how much this burden will be feasible.

If there are still questions about the bankruptcy of individuals and VP, how to fill out an application, where to download bankruptcy laws and documents, you can read the articles at the link.

Finally, we recommend watching the video, where the arbitral trustee tells, how to declare yourself bankrupt:

And the video, how to go bankrupt an individual (IP) from StopCredit:

The team of magazine thanks for your attention to this publication! We wish our readers to avoid financial difficulties and learn to properly assess their solvency.

If you have any comments or questions on the topic, then ask them in the comments below.



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