How to tie raspberries correctly: different ways

Many people prefer to grow different varieties of raspberries in their gardens. This is a very tasty and useful berry crop, which also has not very complicated care. One of the most important aspects of growing raspberry bushes is their garter. This article will tell you about it, why you need a raspberry garter, and how it can be done.

What is it for?

To achieve a good harvest from raspberries, you need to know some features of caring for him. One of the essential rules of success here is garter bushes. If this procedure is not performed, then the risk of getting small and tasteless berries increases. So you need to know, how to tie raspberries properly.

Of course, tying is not always a necessary condition for abundant fruiting. There are varieties, who do not need it. However, the vast majority of yellow and red raspberries still require a tying procedure. The reason for this need lies in the presence of fragile and flexible shoots, which can break in the following situations:

  • with strong and gusty winds;
  • during prolonged rains;
  • with abundant fruiting;
  • at sufficient height of bushes. Some varieties of raspberries are able to grow up 2 m, or even higher.

In addition to protecting raspberries from physical damage, the garter can simplify the harvest to some extent. With its help you can arrange randomly growing and prickly shoots. But the most important reason, on which the garter of raspberry bushes is made, there is an increase in yield. The point is, that for ripening of sweet and big fruits branches should be well lighted.

In itself, raspberries are considered quite unpretentious plant. However, in case of non-compliance with certain rules of care, including garters, it can give a lot of young growth and savagery. Therefore, one of the important and necessary aspects of its care is the tying procedure. The gardener gets the following benefits when it comes to gargling raspberry bushes:

  • protection of plants from various fungal infections, as well as pests;
  • fruitful young shoots, growing in the middle of the row, get more favorable conditions for their growth. It is worth noting, that with dense planting of bushes, who found themselves in the thick of it, die very quickly;
  • shoots do not break under the weight of the crop, as well as in adverse climatic conditions;
  • berries on the branches are tied and ripen much faster. At the same time their maturation is characterized by greater uniformity, as fruits in this case receive the same portion of sunlight;
  • harvesting becomes more convenient and less traumatic (this statement is especially true of varieties, which are characterized by the formation of a large number of spines).

If the raspberry garter was done correctly, then all the above benefits will be available and from one bush you can collect the maximum amount of harvest.

Video "Garter on the wallpaper"

You will learn from the video, how to make wallpaper and tie a bush.