Categories: Pest control

How to get rid of bed bugs: how to fight at home, as independently, how to get out of the apartment, how to quickly finish the room

Many housewives believe, the main thing is to keep clean, and then these insects will not even appear in the house

How dangerous bedbugs?

How to get rid of bed bugs at home? Insect bites are painful, cause allergies, dangerous. But why is that? After all, in the past they were even used to treat diseases due to their production of analgesics. The point is, that bedbugs, like any insects, which suck blood, are carriers of many dangerous diseases. Scientists have not been able to establish all the mechanisms of transmission, but it is already clear today, that parasites can be carriers of anthrax, typhoid fever, some types of hepatitis. And this is not a complete list of diseases. Research is ongoing.

Usually, today they are brought with them by refugees from hot spots, and on the spot the insects multiply rapidly. Because in large cities, utilities have long dealt with cockroaches (and these are the natural enemies of bedbugs), then nothing interferes with the prosperity of parasites. In cities, bedbugs are gaining more and more space, terrifying the owners of apartments and houses.

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How to get rid of hornets
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Bedbugs and other bed bugs
Causes of bedbugs in the apartment: how to fight parasites

Room hygiene is very important, because bedbugs like poorly cleaned cozy towns, so that there was little fresh air and no natural light. That is why ventilation plays an important role in preventing their appearance.

Usually, today they are brought with them by refugees from hot spots, and on the spot the insects multiply rapidly

Today, every housewife should know, how to deal with bedbugs yourself. In the old days against insects used "bug" - a metal vessel like a kettle with a very long spout. Inside this tank were hot coals, they were filled with water, came out steam, which was sent to places of accumulation of bedbugs. Evaporation is still considered a very effective way to fight, harmless to residents and pets.

In the old days, camphor oil was also used to scare away bedbugs, wormwood, tansy and many other products with a pungent odor. The grass was spread out on the floor, furniture legs were lubricated with oil and turpentine. It had some short-term effect. However, all of them, the same, as well as turpentine, serve mainly to repel insects and for psychological support of homeowners, who believe, who did everything possible to control pests.

Gallery: bed bugs (25 Photo)

How to get rid of bed bugs (video)

Chemicals against parasites

If the goal of the owners - the fight against bedbugs at home, then we will have to take the most radical measures, to destroy parasites in the shortest possible time.

From what in the house bedbugs get?

But how to get rid of bed bugs yourself with the help of chemicals? Remember, that there are drugs, which are suitable for household use, and there are concentrated means, which are usually used by employees of specialized firms. You can use only the drugs of the first group. They are like domestic, and foreign production, but almost all are equally effective, if you choose the right dosage.

Insect bites are painful, cause allergies, dangerous

The point is, that such funds are issued in various forms: they can be in the form of aerosols, emulsions, gels, so you can get rid of bedbugs on any surface. you only need to carefully mzuchit composition, dosage and features of application. Dichlorvos and carbophos are used as active substances, as well as substances from the category of pyrethroids and organophosphorus compounds. The latter category of substances is now considered the best choice. They will be effective in controlling bed bugs, they will destroy insects quickly, but have a lower toxicity threshold, therefore, they will not be so harmful to pets and humans.

But even in this case before, how to get rid of bed bugs with this tool you need to evacuate people, and pets out of the room at least on 2 gained.

How to use Dichlorvos? Unfortunately, today it is a tool, rather, scares. It should not be taken seriously, because bedbugs have long developed resistance to it.

Before you destroy bedbugs with a tool, you need to study the instructions and safety rules. To begin with, you should buy personal protective equipment - household rubber gloves and the simplest cotton gauze bandages, to avoid contact with such substances.

One of the most effective remedies of this kind is Chlorophos

It is necessary to choose the most closed clothes, because insecticides contain toxic substances, dangerous not only for parasites, but also for people. It is best to tie your head with a scarf or a hat. Every room corner needs to be treated. After spraying the room, wash your hands and face thoroughly with water and regular toilet soap, take off work clothes, put on clean and get some fresh air.

The best remedies for bedbugs

One of the most effective remedies of this kind is Chlorophos. There is a very strong poison, which can not even be stored in a living space. For use in the apartment chlorophos emulsion must be diluted with water in proportions, specified by the manufacturer. It is best to work with the drug with open windows or on the street. The tool is sold in garden centers, as it is designed to control various pests. When decorating the room, wear protective clothing, glasses, respirator, gloves. It is forbidden to eat, drink or just smoke next to him. All tools used in this case will have to be discarded in the future.

The drug Mikrophos is considered to be no less effective. It is intended for professional use, because it has a fairly high toxicity in concentrated form. It is not necessary to breed it independently.

Carbophos from bedbugs is a classic option. But this tool has a very strong odor, so in the apartment for some time can not be. Processing is carried out by its solution, because in concentrated form it is highly toxic. Has a wide range of action.

How and why house bugs bite

Pyrethrum is usually used to control house ants. It contains plant insecticides, and is relatively safe for humans. At the same time, it works quite effectively. To achieve the desired result, it should be poured as close as possible to the places of accumulation of parasites, in all cracks.

The drug Kombat proved to be quite good, which is used against all types of insects, including fleas, spiders and even ticks. It is available in the form of sprays of various concentrations. You need to carefully study the composition before buying. Some sprays, produced under this brand, contain cyphenothrin, from which insects die quickly. Others have a paralyzing effect on the nervous system.

Carbophos from bedbugs is a classic option

A popular insecticide, how to get rid of bedbugs - Cat. It is absolutely safe for humans. One vial is diluted with water 0,5 l and stir thoroughly. This amount is only enough for 1 bed. Processing is carried out through a spray. All windows and windows must be closed. Treatment should be carried out in a respirator. This tool quickly destroys both adults, and their larvae.

There are pencils based on paraffin and any insecticide - usually chlorophos or carbophos. They use them in the same way, as well as pencils from ants - draw stripes on potential routes of movement of insects. At the person on such pencils strong allergic reactions are possible.

How to get rid of bedbugs (video)

Folk remedies against insects

Our ancestors came up with many tools for this, to get rid of bedbugs at home. Their effectiveness remains questionable. Most of them do not involve deprivation in the sense of physical destruction. They just scare away insects, and any, not just bedbugs. They do not harm humans and pets, and this can already be considered an advantage. A popular remedy is vinegar essence, an effective remedy against bedbugs. The essence scares away insects, if there is a possibility of their penetration into the apartment from a neighboring home.

Processing will not take much time. All places are lubricated with acetic solution, where potentially pests can appear. The material processed by such means will not go stains, will not lose color, and the pungent odor will help scare away insects.

Another effective tool, which will help to scare away bedbugs quickly, - This is a tincture of valerian. It also needs to process places, where bedbugs can appear, and then it either scares them away (if you lubricate the ventilation grilles), or make it crawl out of the cracks, where they hide. Unfortunately, if the insects have already laid eggs, then these funds will be powerless.

In a country house, bedbugs can be scared away with the help of wormwood - just put its branches under the bed. This tool allows you to get rid of fleas, and from any other parasites, sensitive to odors.

But is there a safe folk way, with which you can remove bed bugs at home? This option is evaporation. It comes down to that, that all the gaps between the baseboards, all seams in upholstered furniture are treated with boiling water. Thermal exposure is more effective, than freezing, although it does not always give a high result.

How to get rid of bedbugs?

Primitive insecticide, which can be used, to remove bedbugs at home, Is a solution of turpentine and kerosene in boiling water. On 3/4 glasses of water take 20 ml of kerosene and about the same amount of turpentine. All this is mixed, if desired, you can add to this and laundry soap. The surface of furniture is treated with a solution. You just need to use it carefully - boiling water is easy to spoil the furniture.

Some housewives believe, that alcohol will help to get rid of bedbugs quickly, hydrogen peroxide solution or salt water. But the effectiveness of these funds has not been proven.

Sometimes you can hear advice, that for processing of metal designs it is necessary to use a gas torch. Really, in old metal beds fleas settled inside the cavities of the structure, and high temperature destroys the nest with larvae. But in modern housing is not so much metal structures, which will withstand such processing. in addition, this method requires certain skills in handling the tool, otherwise it may be flammable.

All places are lubricated with acetic solution, where potentially pests can appear. The material processed by such means will not go stains, will not lose color, and the pungent odor will help scare away insects

Prevention of bedbugs

Destroying bedbugs at home is quite difficult. Therefore, it is best to take preventive measures.

Those are often at risk, who buys furniture, home appliances, clothing, footwear, that were in use, as well as bed linen. Before you start using such things, be sure to check them for parasites, otherwise then you will have to remove bedbugs. Even if no signs of bedbugs were found, all these things still need to be disinfected, and only then wash them and use them. Experienced insect repellent speaks for itself, that bedbugs can be brought into the house even when buying upholstered furniture or mattresses.

Ideally, you should check the furniture in the store. But mostly such things are acquired in salons, when only exhibition samples are exhibited in the room, and the goods are in stock. So, when the purchase is delivered ??from the store, you need to carefully inspect the furniture, especially seams and folds. If there are visible dark spots, means, will have to abandon the purchase. To prevent bedbugs in the apartment, the item still needs to be treated with an insecticide. The covers will have to be washed at maximum temperature. It is pointless to take out clothes or bed linen in the cold, because insects under such conditions simply fall into anabiosis, and when the temperature becomes favorable, they come to life.

If there is a smell of chemicals in the entrance, means, you need to increase vigilance: perhaps, one of the neighbors was engaged in parasite infestation. That there were no bedbugs in the apartment, it is also necessary to treat with insecticide all potential places of penetration of insects into the apartment.

Removing bedbugs at home is a long and laborious process. Applying to a specialized company, whose employees have the necessary equipment and qualifications - the best way out, when you need to get rid of bed bugs in the house.



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