Categories: Alcoholic recipes

How to choose a home brewery ?: tips for novice brewers

Modern industry produces a large number of breweries of various types. When purchasing them, the question arises, which installation is better to buy. Among the proposals, existing in the equipment market, there are imported and Russian home breweries. Their price can reach tens of thousands of dollars. You should always keep this in mind when buying equipment, that you can brew quality beer in any mini brewery. It all depends on the professionalism of the master.

Which installation is better?

Each master decides for himself what to brew beer at home. The first step in choosing an installation is to determine the purchase budget. It depends on the financial capabilities of each individual. One of the main selection criteria is the size of the installation. When buying a home brewery, you need to consider this factor, as free space for equipment installation.

Equipment for mini breweries with a production volume of up to 3 thousand liters per day covers an area of ​​up to 40 sq. meters.

The volume of the finished drink and the method of its preparation depend on the size of the installation and its design. Small breweries are the most convenient for home brewing, equipped with electric heaters.

Overview of the home brewery GRAINFATHER:

There are many things to keep in mind when buying brewing equipment, that its value is affected not only by quality, but also the brand of the manufacturer. Promoted brands, with the same technical characteristics, will always be worth it 15-20% more expensive than similar installations of unknown manufacturers.

Before, how to choose a home brewery you need to carefully study and compare existing offers on the market. For the production of intoxicating drink only for its consumption is quite a small installation. The cost of such equipment starts from 3-5 thousand rubles. To equip beer bars you need to buy professional equipment. It is an order of magnitude more expensive. The difference between conventional and professional equipment is not only in price and performance, but also in the service life. Simple equipment is not designed for permanent operation. With round-the-clock operation, it can quickly become unusable.

What home breweries offer manufacturers?

The most compact brewery can take up the same amount of space, скільки потрібно для установки кавомашини або кухонного комбайна. Brewed beer is kept in a warm place for some time, and then placed in the refrigerator. There are settings, equipped with a "shirt" cooling. The finished product can be stored in such equipment.

The duration of preparation of the drink is from 1,5 to 2 weeks. Even in the most spacious apartment it is difficult to find a place to accommodate a large brewery and a container for fermenting beverages.

The simplest installation for home brewing is a vacuum tank. An intoxicating drink is prepared in it on liquid wort, that you can buy in the store. There are prefabricated and integral structures. They are equipped with a system for capturing foam and relieving excess pressure.

Installations are divided into full-cycle and with a shortened production period. The first type of equipment requires a large area to accommodate, therefore used to equip mini breweries for the production of beverages in bars and pubs.

The set of equipment for a shortened cycle of beer production includes:

  • cooking boiler and fermentation tank;
  • filters for drinking water purification and device for liquid sterilization.

It is very convenient to use compact breweries for home brewing.

Advantages and disadvantages of breweries

Beer Machine. The American brewery has five options. На ній можна приготувати близько 50 beers. One cycle of beverage production to continue 12 days. The installation has the form of a barrel. Dry ingredients are used to prepare the drink.


  • Reliability in work and available base of spare parts.
  • Ability to use ingredients from different manufacturers.
  • Low cost of the finished product, availability of natural and artificial carbonization and regulation of the duration of beverage preparation cycles.


  • Special carbon dioxide cans are needed to produce the drink, which is used to increase the pressure in the tub.
  • After preparing the drink, the unit must be disassembled for washing.
  • High installation cost.

Inpinto. Brewery of Czech producers. It has five options. The production cycle of the drink takes 21 day. You can cook more on the equipment 50 beers. Liquid ingredients are used for brewing beer.


  • Ease of operation;
  • Affordable price.


  • High cost of the finished product;
  • Impossibility to use any other mixtures for preparation of drink, in addition to the base.

Mr.Beer. American brewery with a 21-day cycle. The model range consists of 4 types of installations. Beer brewed in this equipment can be stored until 1 year.


  • Ability to brew a large number of beers.
  • Ease of operation.


  • Before making the drink, the mixture for brewing beer must be boiled.
  • The highest cost of the finished product of all breweries on the market.

4 advice for novice brewers

Any brewer can avoid mistakes when buying equipment, if you listen to the advice of more experienced colleagues. What you need to know:

- Boilers with a capacity are optimal for brewing beer at home 30 liters. In the process of cooking the product is boiled, so most recipes, designed for 1 bookmark raw materials, contain 25-30 liters of drinking water.

- To avoid getting into the drink harmful to the microflora of beer when cooking it at home equipment is equipped with a chiller. This is a cooling system, which is located inside the boiler. Brewing beer in a pot, the drink is cooled with ice. It has to be poured from one container to another, що може призвести до потрапляння в продукт бактерій, able to change the course of fermentation of the drink and its taste.

- You should never save on a filtration system. Better, when the home brewery is equipped with an automatic siphon. This filter is a telescopic system with "auto-suction". This improves the quality of the product and saves effort and time, necessary for the filtration process.

- When buying a brewery you need to pay attention to that, whether it has a wort aeration system or not. After cooking the product, very little oxygen remains in it, which is necessary for yeast cells to activate the process of fermentation of sugars. If the design of the brewery does not provide for the installation of such a device, then you can buy an additional compressor to supply air by type, used in aquariums.

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Overview of the home mini-brewery BULLDOG BREWER:



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