How to choose an electric jigsaw for the house, the best manufacturers 2017

There are tools, which do not require advertising and intrusive offers, they can rightly be called "folk" - it's all about hand-held electric jigsaw. The multi-purpose unit has a simple design, is able to produce sawdust in a straight or curved trajectory, as well as at an angle 45 ?. To decide, how to choose a good electric jigsaw for home or workshop, it is necessary to refer to the experience of qualified specialists in the field of construction and repair. Useful tips from our experts will help you decide, which jigsaw to buy for future work and not regret the money spent.


Household or professional

Like any construction tools, electric jigsaws are divided into household and professional. The classification determines the maximum load, with which the technique will cope, continuous operation time and, Of course, comfort of use.

Household jigsaws are designed for rare use in the country, houses or garages. DIY tools can also be used in production for rare operations. Such models always have restrictions on the time of continuous operation: in the most budget parameter can reach 10-20 minutes. Conventionally, household models can be used no more 4-8 hours per day (or close 30-50 hours per week) with regular breaks.

Tools of unspoken semi-professional level became a transitional link between household and professional models (Hobby). If the task is to buy cheap, but a good jigsaw, it is worth looking at this segment. The life of the device is slightly higher than inexpensive amateur models, and the functionality is comparable to the top positions. Such electric jigsaws are suitable for work at home or on a small production. Hobby class equipment is rarely limited in time, but to use them "in full" will not work - the mechanism for such loads is not designed.

Professional and industrial models have found their application in woodworking production shops, manufacture of cabinet furniture or wooden structures, in construction and finishing of premises. As practice shows, amateur craftsmen often stop their choice on top technology, however, this is not always rational. If the tool is used infrequently, it is not possible to fully realize its potential, for which, by the way, will have to pay a lot. in addition, repair of expensive equipment is not cheap.

How to choose an electric jigsaw - the main parameters

Choosing a good tool model, should focus on key factors, which determine its performance and convenience:

  • cutting frequency;
  • electric motor power;
  • the presence of a pendulum;
  • type of consumables;
  • dimensions and weight;
  • functional.

High-quality jigsaws are distinguished by a competent combination of technical characteristics, however, you cannot select a tool based solely on settings. Decent ergonomics are an important part of a good tool, such a tool lies comfortably in the hands and does not tire the operator during operation.


The power of the tool can vary from 450 W to 850 W. As practice shows, high energy consumption does not always characterize the performance of the tool. The low-power, fuel-efficient professional model can be compared to the more powerful DYI series unit..

How to decide on the choice of power tool? It all depends on the needs: if speed and productivity are required, then medium or high power must be combined with a good frequency of the saw. If "work fast and a lot" is not the main task - you can choose any unit from the "pro" class or a more powerful household model. 550 W.

Frequency of saw movement

The frequency of the saw blade is one of the main parameters, on which choose an electric jigsaw. The higher the value, the faster the sawing. Aluminum products, plywood or wood is sawn at maximum speed, and at low speeds produce sawing materials, sensitive to overheating - plastic, Stainless Steel.

In most cases, electric jigsaws are equipped with step speed control, but this does not apply to the budget versions themselves. The minimum threshold can be from 0 to 800 walks per minute, maximum speed is reached 3200-3500 moves. When buying, be sure to choose the "fastest model", for conventional saws and good performance is more than enough 2600 — 2800 moves / min.

Pendulum stroke or swap

Many models are equipped with a pendulum system, this design solution increases the speed of sawing. When installing one of 3-4 degrees pendulum saw moves not only up and down, but also back and forth, on the trajectory of the pendulum. The higher the degree, the stronger the swap. The pendulum system can only be applied to straight propylene, if the tool is needed for artistic sawing along a curved trajectory, you can choose a model without paging, or with the possibility of disabling it.

depth drank

The maximum depth of cut means the limiting thickness of the workpiece, which can be sawn. Limit values ​​are always specified in the technical manual, and - for different materials there are restrictions. So, the maximum depth of cut of the wooden workpiece can reach 70 or 100 mm, for metal (aluminum) 15 — 20 mm, for plastic - 80 mm, and for ceramics - to 10 mm.

This characteristic should not be neglected, Improper use of the tool can lead to overloads and rapid breakage.

Saw and types of its fastening

varieties of canvases

Special saws are used for electric jigsaws, representing a cloth with teeth and a shank of a certain form. Each type of material has its own saws, what the letter marking informs:

  • on wood (V, WITH, D, BO, BR);
  • on metal (A);
  • on glass and ceramics (Riff);
  • on plastic.

Canvases are also distinguished by the type of saw: saws with small teeth are designed for clean cutting (V, WITH), with large - for fast and rough (D). Narrow blades with straight small teeth are used especially for curvilinear cutting (letter O). To saw laminate or other material with a delicate coating you will need a saw with the opposite direction of the tooth (revers - the letter R in the label).

PVC products can be sawn with almost any saw on wood, do not remove large and medium teeth with soft shavings. The cloth on metal will approach also, but sawing is performed at minimum speed.

The numerical designation indicates the length of the saw:

  • 1 - to 75 mm
  • 2 — 75-90 mm
  • 3 — 90-150 mm
  • 4 - more 150 mm

Type of saw attachment

There are two types of shanks:

  1. T-shaped
  2. U-shaped

For the vast majority of electric jigsaws use saws with a T-shaped shank. Complete with the tool there is almost always a sample of a cloth, you can also try on different types of paintings when buying. However, budget models of amateur class "omnivorous". They have the simplest cartridge, which simply clamps the saw on both sides, regardless of the type of planting.

see handles

Two designs are widespread among modern models of jigsaws: with bracket or mushroom handle. Mushroom-shaped handle - the prerogative of an electric jigsaw for professional work, but such a constructive solution is quite rare.

The most common staple handle is universal and is divided into two types. Compact models are equipped with a square "bracket", larger - semicircular.

Ergonomics affect the comfort of operation to a greater extent - the presence of rubber pads, finger tabs, thickening in the grip.


The support platform of the electric jigsaw can be cast or stamped. This design solution plays a big role in buying a professional-grade tool, when long-term use is meant.

The stamped sole is found in all household and semi-professional models, as well as inexpensive professional electric jigsaws. This platform is made of relatively thin metal, under prolonged loads it is subject to deformation. As a result, the positioning of the saw blade is shifted, there is no proper collision with the workpiece, and sawing at an angle becomes almost impossible.

High-quality electric jigsaws are equipped with a cast platform, it is stronger and more durable, but somewhat increases the final cost of the unit. You can often see a plastic pad on it to protect soft materials from chipping.

Type of food

A separate item can make the type of food. The network electric jigsaw is not intended for work in "field conditions", a couple of it will need a mobile power plant. The solution is to buy a wireless model, which are now quite a lot on the market. The duration of continuous operation and power here depend on the capacity of the battery and the availability of replaceable batteries.

If you decide to buy a wireless electric jigsaw, pay attention to the line of wireless tools such as ONE + Ryobi. Any position from the model range, be it a jigsaw or a screwdriver, can be powered by one battery - that is, really, convenient and profitable from an economic point of view.

Functions, which can be useful

When choosing a reliable tool for home use, its functionality will be an important aspect. There are very useful options, which increase productivity and usability at times.

What are the functions of electric jigsaws:

  • Forced blowing of a working zone - the directed stream of air clears preparation and a platform of sawdust, providing a full overview.
  • Smooth start - the advantage of powerful tools, although the option is quite rare. Restriction of starting current protects the operator from a jerk at start, as well as all internal mechanisms from high loads.
  • Laser pointer is a very useful option. Rough markings on the workpiece can be covered with sawdust, the user will have to turn off the tool and clean the work area - all this takes time. The laser in turn indicates the direction even on top of small chips.
  • Cartridge type. Many modern models are equipped with a quick-release chuck for saw blades. To change the equipment it is enough to bend the lever and install the saw.
  • LED work area illumination will provide comfort and maximum accuracy of sawing.
  • Maintaining power under load is a serious design solution, able to increase the service life of the tool and protects all internal components from unintentional overload. Usually, in household models at decrease in turns power also decreases, so, tool is easy to reload.

Which electric jigsaw company to buy

Making decisions, which electric jigsaw is better to choose, it is recommended to prefer only reliable manufacturers. There are a lot of popular Chinese brands, but the questionable cost obscures even more questionable the quality of workmanship. For this reason we will present the best manufacturers of electric jigsaws in terms of value for money 2017 year:

  • Bosch
  • Makita
  • DeWalt
  • ZUBR
  • Interskol

Read the same: Rating of the best electric jigsaws


After, as the choice will be limited to a few positions, it is useful to read reviews of selected models on thematic forums. Dissenting opinions are not always full of objective judgments, however, among the information obtained, it can be concluded, how to choose a quality electric jigsaw for home or work. Guided by the experience of masters and their own priorities, make a successful purchase will be easy and fast.



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