Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Coding for alcoholism: ways, methodology, process

The process of getting rid of alcohol dependence in each person is different. There are various methods of combating this disease. One of them is coding for alcoholism. It is aimed at developing a person's resistance to alcohol. The technique is the influence of specialists on the human psyche, having alcohol dependence.

What is coding?

The term "coding" first appeared in the middle of the twentieth century. It was introduced into medical practice by Academician A.. V. Dovzhenka. The method of treatment of alcohol dependence developed by him has become widespread. The essence of the method of combating the disease is based on the development of a person's conditioned reflex to alcohol.

Across 2-2,5 hours after the development of the patient's reflex, doctors begin to influence his Valle points. In this way the irritation of the vagus and trigeminal nerves of the patient is achieved. After that, his mouth is treated with chloroethyl. This procedure produces a person's persistent aversion to alcohol.

Such coding for alcohol dependence gives lasting positive results.

In modern practice, not only alcohol coding by the Dovzhenko method is used. There are different techniques, which are widely used in practice and show good results. These include:

  • neurolinguistic programming;
  • hypnotic effect;
  • acupuncture.

They are all based on suggestion. The patient must undergo coding for alcoholism in a completely sober state. For a large number of drunken alcoholics, this is a difficult task.

According to statistics in Russia annually dies from drunkenness about 700 thousands of people.

In addition to medical coding, the people widely use methods far from science to treat the disease. Coding from alcoholism in folk ways is carried out with the help of orders and prayers.


In medical practice, the coding of alcohol through hypnosis is carried out by various methods. Before the procedure, the patient should not drink alcohol for 1-3 weeks. The decision to code for alcoholism must be made by the person voluntarily. Only a conscious desire to get rid of addiction can have a positive effect.

"Anchor" technique

Such coding for alcohol dependence is based on human neurolinguistic reprogramming. By "anchor" is meant an incentive, embedded in the subconscious of the patient. He triggers a conditioned reflex in him. Gestures can be the "trigger" for triggering a programmed conditioned reflex, the words, smells and more, deliberately selected from the general range of objects surrounding the person or actions taken.

Erickson's hypnosis

Coding for alcoholism is performed by gently immersing the patient in a state of mild trance. During such a hypnosis session, the person is not subject to any strict regulations or prohibitions. It aims to launch a healthy lifestyle and sobriety program. This method of treatment is used not only to get rid of alcohol dependence. It is aimed at healing the whole body.

Hypnosuggestive therapy

Coding from alcohol by this technique is based on the suggestion of aversion to alcohol. The method is safe for humans and forms in him an attitude of sobriety. From the method of treatment of Dovzhenko, which is carried out by means of mass sessions, hypnosuggestive therapy is performed individually with each patient. In a state of hypnosis, a person is inspired by aversion to alcohol.

This method of treatment for alcoholism is not applied to humans, suffering from mental illness. For the rest, it is completely safe and very effective.

Drug coding

Coding from alcohol with the use of drugs significantly increases the effectiveness of ridding a person of addiction. The disease is dealt a double blow, which means mental and physical impact. Used in the fight against the disease drugs block enzymes, produced by the liver. This prevents the neutralization and excretion of alcohol from the human body.

This method is known, like a "torpedo". The accumulation of ethanol in the blood causes severe poisoning of the body. If, drinking alcohol, the person survives after such treatment, then he will be reluctant to drink again for a long time. Shock, obtained from the borderline state with death, forces a person to change their bad habits.

How implantable implants are used:

  • tablets Torpedo and Esperal;
  • for intravenous administration of Algominal, NIT і SIT;
  • for intramuscular blocking Esperal gel;
  • drops for oral administration of Colme.

Treat alcoholism in this way and code, sewing up a "torpedo", not everyone can. It is not recommended for use in patients:

  • state of pregnancy;
  • when intoxicated or hangover;
  • with cardiovascular disease;
  • in acute manifestations of mental disorders.

Reacting with ethanol, Medicines, designed to encode human alcoholism, can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Validity of the "torpedo" from 1 year to 3 years.

Alternative treatments

Helps coding alternative ways to effectively get rid of alcoholism or not can be judged from the reviews experienced by these treatments. One of the options in this area of ​​addiction is Dr. Saikov's method. The method is based on emotional stress psychotherapy.

It is possible to code from alcohol to the patient in this way even in house conditions. With its help the psychological dependence on alcohol is removed by replacing it with another circle of vital interests. This method of encoding uses special computer programs.

What is the danger?

Many people do not understand, what is coding for alcoholism. Lack of understanding of the treatment process leads to fears and various fears. Actually, part of the fear is well-founded. You need to know, that this method of treatment has its side effects. Alternative coding can cause in humans:

  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • unpredictability of behavior.

First, than to code from human alcoholism, you need to realize that, that it seriously changes the human psyche. Hard to tell, what will be the patient's behavior after adjusting his personality. The most dangerous period is the end of the coding period.


First, than to code from alcohol to the patient, it is necessary to decide on the choice of method. It is impossible to be guided at a choice only by opinion of friends and acquaintances. For, to achieve good results, it is necessary to use the advice of a narcologist.

The second major mistake is forced coding. The patient must get rid of his addiction consciously. Otherwise, the effect of treatment will be negative. In itself, coding only helps a person cope with the problem. He must overcome his illness on his own.

It is not necessary to carry out procedure immediately after a long binge. Preferably, that the pause in alcohol consumption was not less 1 week, and in some cases 3 weeks. Fear can reduce the effect of coding. It causes panic in the patient. For, to achieve good results you need to achieve before the procedure a state of mental balance.



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