When to plant cabbage on the lunar calendar in open ground

What a city without cabbage? And what a table without rich borscht, appetizing salad, crispy sauerkraut and many other delicious dishes, relevant and on weekdays, and on holidays? What to say, cabbage is our everything! And every gardener is trying to grow a good harvest of strong cobs, and for this it is necessary to understand a number of useful sciences. Among them, among the first - the correct planting of cabbage.

When to plant cabbage

If you want to provide yourself with cabbage for the whole summer, and so, that there was enough for souring and for winter stocks, think of a strategy.

It consists of crops of several varieties with different maturation dates. It is rational and practical. It makes sense to prepare the seeds:

  • early varieties: their planting is carried out gradually, several times, with a 4-day interval;
  • mid-late - these should be sown every two months;
  • late - planting time in mid-spring.

You will harvest the early varieties in the last decade of June. About a month later, the mid-late ones will arrive. And the time of late varieties is October. More precisely, end of October. And these tight cobs will be stored in a great way for you all winter.

Nothing unusual: just a box with soil. What exactly? Experts prefer a soil mixture of the following composition:

  • sod land - ??1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • ash (1 st.l.. on 1 kg of soil).

All this must be well mixed, to get a breathable soil.

Before planting the seeds will be useful a kind of contrast shower. Minutes 20 they need to be kept in hot water, followed by 5 minutes to immerse in the cold. This procedure will strengthen the health of future cabbage, will make it resistant to fungal diseases. But be careful: not all varieties of cabbage benefit from this. An explanation of this must be found on the seed bag, which you choose for seedlings.

Drop the seeds about 1 cm, sprinkle with soil, slightly tamped. Now abundant watering.

It is impossible to leave this box at home in any case, then you have no seedlings in the home heat. It is best to immediately send the nursery to the country. In the snow it, Of course, should not be put, cabbage loves the cold, but not to such an extent. If the snow has not yet melted, check its site. And cold land is just that, what you need. Just watch, so that the nursery outfit is well lit by the sun. Arches are installed on the box, the film is stretched on them. Everything! We are waiting for the stairs. They will delight with their appearance through 10-12 days.

It's time to open this green "nut", removing the film. Next month provides care for seedlings. Properly speaking, care is regular watering. So far, you do not need to thin out the seedlings, nor feed her fertilizers. Just watch, so that the soil is not dry. In the nursery, the future cabbage must live to appear 3-4 leaflet, not more. And this is exactly what will happen 30 days.

so, end of April beginning of May - time, when planting cabbage in the spring in open ground. This is the best time for early varieties. In two weeks, in mid-May, you can take the late varieties. But the middle-late plantings in the first half of June.

Area, where will be your cabbage bed, requires careful preparation. And training should begin in the fall. Choose a dry day and dig the area. No need to try to make it smooth and even. Vice versa, all inequalities will benefit cabbage. If there are bumps and depressions on the ground, it is well saturated with moisture during winter and early spring. But when it snows, level the area with a rake, to retain moisture longer. This soil is best for cabbage.

Planting cabbage on time, optimal for the selected variety, keep a sufficient distance between the seedlings. After all, no less, than coolness and moisture, cabbage loves light and space.

Filler should be prepared for each well:

  • a handful of sand;
  • a handful of peat;
  • two handfuls of humus;
  • 50 Mr. Ash;
  • half a teaspoon of nitrophosphate.

Thoroughly mix the thoroughly mixed mixture. That's all! Everything is ready for planting cabbage.

And if you prefer not to grow seedlings, and sow cabbage in the open ground - the timing depends on the climatic characteristics of your region. Since the relatively warm days - when the thermometer will be stable 8-10 degrees above zero - wait a minute, necessary for warming the soil.

Landing Video

You will learn from the video, how and when to plant cabbage.