Categories: Pest control

Apple leaves curl and rust: causes and treatment

Fans of fruit trees are often faced with a number of leaf diseases: the plates turn yellow, covered with bright orange spots, sometimes the leaves become brown and twisted. The problem of fungal infestations on apple and plum trees with similar symptoms leads to crop loss, and in some cases even to the death of the tree. What to do if apple leaves turn red and curl and how to fight this disease?

Causes of the disease

In summer, when the trees are green, and the fruits are just beginning to tie the experienced eye of the gardener may notice the appearance of rusty spots on some leaves. With the development of this inconspicuous disease on apple trees, or any other fruit tree will blacken the leaves, a yellowish plaque sometimes appears on the trunk. But for the tree to reach this state, it is necessary to ignore the appearance of rusty plaque on the leaf blades for a long time..

To answer the question - why yellow apple leaves, it is necessary to address to the reference book on phytopathology. Yellowing of the leaves can be associated with a number of diseases, and sometimes even with elementary non-compliance with all physiological needs of the tree. If the leaves of the house apple suddenly curled, lost turgor, acquired a yellowish tinge - most likely, you have problems with the mineral nutrition of the tree. You can treat this problem without drugs - provide the plant with fertilizer, water it in time and the symptoms will eventually weaken and disappear completely.

A sign of the disease can be considered the appearance of spots on apple leaves, drying of individual branches. Sometimes you can see, like blackened apple leaves, the fruits are covered with brown spots. In this case, you are dealing with an illness.

Rust on apple trees is a very pronounced and easily recognizable disease. The causative agent is a fungus of the family Puccinuaceae. The disease primarily infects the leaves, over time it can move to the trunk, shoots and even fruits. Apple rust has a number of distinct symptoms, such as the appearance of "rusty" spots on the leaves, which eventually necrotize. Sometimes the leaves curl in the apple tree - also a characteristic symptom.


The fungus grows en masse on leaf blades and absorbs most of the nutrients of the tree. As the sporulation surface area increases, it not only prevents the leaf from developing normally, but also increases the surface area of ​​liquid evaporation, which will lead to large water losses in the leaf. This twists the leaves of the apple tree. in addition, the fungus translates the tree mobilizing state - the affected plants can not grow normally, to develop, form juicy, healthy fruits.

Actually rust, which appears on the leaves of apple trees is an uncommon disease of this plant. The whole group of rust fungi is characterized by a complex life cycle and the presence of several hosts and types of sporulation. Since the apple tree plays an intermediate role in this cycle, the attention of the treatment of the disease should be paid not only to the hygiene of the orchard., but also on the intermediate hosts of the fungus, which is juniper.


How to treat rust and how to treat your plant? Treating rust on the leaves is a complex and painstaking process. In order to completely get rid of the disease should be introduced into the apple orchard a whole scheme of treatments and measures necessary to eliminate pathogens.

From agronomic methods in the fight against this disease is recommended to use rare tree planting, so that spores of the pathogen can not quickly infect seedlings. Attention should be paid to proper watering and fertilizing. Trees "overfed" with nitrogen fertilizers are infected with rust much more often. However, in case of disease foci, gardeners recommend using phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as a supportive agent for trees..

If your garden is already rusty - you find blackened or yellowed leaves - it's too late to prevent. In this case, treat the affected areas on the leaves and bark with copper or iron sulfate, covering the top with oil. In case of severe damage, it is recommended to cut the affected parts.

Disease prevention

In addition to the above measures, such as timely sanitation, low planting density, distance from juniper, proper mineral feeding and competent field, in the fight against rust leaves is recommended to treat trees with fungicides. The simplest, A well-known and affordable remedy today is the Bordeaux mixture. It consists of slaked lime and shows high efficiency in the fight against fungi of this family. The treatment is carried out in dry cool weather. Among other means, the most popular and effective are such fungicides, as "Cuporoxate", Abiga Peak, "Champion", Strobe, Cinnamon, Vectra.

It is also customary to use sulfur-based drugs. To eliminate rust, dilute the drug in the recommended proportions and regularly spray against this pest. This precaution will allow you to keep your crop healthy and strong.

Video "Rust on the leaves of fruit trees"

You will learn from this video,how to deal with rust on fruit trees.



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