Categories: Apiculture

Honey water - benefits and harms, application tips

Honey water is "living" water for our body. The use of bee products to promote good health has long been known. Great nutritional value, a huge amount of minerals and a storehouse of vitamins make such products indispensable.

Modern science has discovered another unique property of honey. Water, in which it dissolves, becomes structured. That's right, as an intercellular fluid in our body.

As a result, we get a solution of honey, closest in composition and biological properties to blood plasma. This drink is easily absorbed into the blood, lymph and enters the cells, delivering valuable substances to all corners of the body. Recovery with its help is quite fast.

There is no need to buy a remedy. The cooking process is quite simple and affordable.

We are preparing a honey drink

  1. Only one teaspoon of honey is needed for a glass of water.
  2. The water for cooking is taken unboiled, and only fresh - well, cleaned. There is no possibility to purify water - buy ready-made good quality. The water temperature should be comfortable to drink - cold and hot are not suitable.
  3. Honey for medicinal water is used raw. When pasteurization, purification or filtration of honey is the neutralization of enzymes, as a result, its healing properties are significantly reduced. Feeding bees with sugar leads to the same result. Take honey for cooking, which one do you like the most. Experts recommend using polyfloral (extracted from several species of plants).
  4. It is optimal to prepare a drink before drinking. The most healing water is considered to be 20 minutes after cooking.

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How honey water works

With proper and regular use of water with honey occurs normalization of digestive processes. The state of our health depends on the quality of the digestive tract. When ingested, honey solution will help eliminate heartburn and nausea, contributes to the liquefaction of mucus. Very useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

Spoils honey? The unequivocal answer is no

Honey water will improve performance:

  1. Liver. Normal functioning of the liver guarantees good functioning of the whole organism. Neutralization of toxins, bacteria and viruses makes it possible to increase immunity, forget about many problems. The mild choleretic effect of the drink will help prevent the appearance of gallstones.
  2. Intestines. Regular intake of honey water leads to stable bowel function, helps get rid of intestinal parasites and restore the microflora. Pathogenic microorganisms love sweets, but honey is harmful to them. Getting into 30% honey solution (honey water), perish quickly.

Recovery from nervous tension and stress
Stress response is optimized, increases resistance to stress. Reduces the load on blood vessels and the heart.

Stimulation of metabolic processes, improving blood composition.

Drink with honey:

  • has a strong antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial action;
  • removes irritation, sore throat and reduces cough;
  • cleanses the skin, gives a healthy look, enhances hair growth;
  • serves as a reducer of energy consumption during strenuous physical or mental work;
  • increases mental activity, improves memory;
  • perfectly replaces drinks and teas when following a diet, reduces cravings for sweets;
  • valuable supplier of nutrients to pregnant women, elderly people.

Rules for the use of honey water

To get the best effect, it is recommended to take honey water three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

After the morning intake, bowel function is normalized, increased efficiency. Drink water on an empty stomach with honey, helps the body to break down fat reserves. This property allowed to use it for weight loss.

The lunch dose helps to restore strength for further work. Evening - will relieve fatigue, relax, to establish a dream.

Honey water in the morning

It is best to drink honey water in the morning immediately after waking up. If you drink a glass of plain water before that - the benefits will only increase. The whole glass must be drunk in one gulp, therefore, the fluid temperature should be comfortable.

At such reception the sphincter of a stomach opens at once, water flows freely into the intestines and is absorbed into the blood. Across 15 minutes you can have a quiet breakfast.

To get the best effect of weight loss, add a little cinnamon to honey (half a teaspoon). According to nutritionists, this is a good combination. Cinnamon will improve metabolism, and honey will replace sugar. The drunk composition will add the amount of fluid to the daily diet. By activating the release of bile - will help better absorption of fats and their excretion from the body. With regular consumption of the drink achieve weight loss 5 kg

To prepare, take cinnamon powder and pour hot water (not boiled), insist half an hour. A teaspoon of honey is added to the cooled solution and stirred thoroughly. Half a glass of drink should be drunk at bedtime, the second part - on an empty stomach in the morning.

Rapeseed honey: delicate, capricious and controversial

Water with honey, taken on an empty stomach, has undeniable benefits, and can cause harm. To avoid trouble and get the most out of it, do not ignore some recommendations:

  • add honey only in cooled cinnamon water;
  • do not reheat the drink before drinking;
  • take strictly at bedtime and a second time on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • do not mix with other components;
  • water and honey are taken only raw, cinnamon - in powder form;
  • follow a low-calorie diet throughout the treatment period.

To successfully lose weight to honey-cinnamon drink add daily consumption of honey water with lemon. To a teaspoon of honey you need to add the same amount of fresh lemon juice.

Weight loss will not last indefinitely. After some cleansing of the digestive tract, the mixture acts as a preventive measure and the weight loss process stops.

Some women notice an increase in waist circumference before drinking. This is the first stage of bowel cleansing from fecal stones. The stones soften and increase in size, then begin to be excreted from the body and the appearance is normalized.

Honey water for weight loss does not guarantee a strong weight loss without following some rules. Motor activity should remain high, food - low calorie, fluid intake is sufficient.

Listing all the pros, necessary before using honey water on an empty stomach, find out the disadvantages of this type of treatment.

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Restrictions on the use of honey water on an empty stomach

The use of honey water can cause deterioration if present:

  • allergic reactions to bee products;
  • gastric ulcers in the acute stage;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the pancreas (pancreatopathy);
  • heart or kidney failure.

It is undesirable to eat sweets at the same time as honey water.

Honey water in the afternoon

The most optimal is to take rejuvenating honey twice a day. But experience shows, that lunch drink has its advantages. Energy nourishment of honey is invaluable. During physical or mental stress, the supply of nutrients during the day helps to restore strength. The only condition - drink water should be no earlier than half an hour before a meal.

Bashkir honey: ancient traditions of beekeeping

Honey water at night

The benefits of taking a healing drink at bedtime should be characterized by two positive properties - restful sleep and healthy kidneys. Honey is hygroscopic by nature. Due to this quality, the honey elixir protects against edema, unloads the kidneys at night, cures childhood enuresis.

There are restrictions for the evening use of the healing infusion. If you urinate frequently, drink only in the morning.

Used in cosmetology

When caring for the face honey water cleanses the skin. This is a great cleanser. The skin becomes smooth, soft and gentle, small wrinkles are smoothed. With the appearance of acne - an indispensable tool. The anti-inflammatory and soothing effect of water with honey will restore a good mood instantly.

For hair suitable as a rinse aid. Only make the water concentration lower - a teaspoon of honey per liter of liquid. The hair becomes shiny and silky.

Honey water with additives

Other beekeeping products are added to the prepared water. In the presence of:

  1. inflammatory processes of any origin - propolis;
  2. digestive system failures (constipation, loss of appetite, heaviness in the stomach) - pollen or bee pollen;
  3. any problems in the liver - royal jelly, which is considered the most effective hepatoprotector.

Ginger with lemon adds a very good taste to the drink. It can be prepared like ordinary lemonade. Ginger without peel will grind, make lemon juice and add both components to honey water. If you insist - the drink acquires a richer taste and aroma.

In summer, a pleasant shade is given by ordinary mint or currant leaves. This drink is drunk cool.

It is better to take a magic elixir in courses, from three months to six months. Take a break at least 14 days. If you do not notice any side effects - you can enter the intake of honey water in your regular diet. Optimally - in the morning on an empty stomach after a glass of clean water. Honey water when used properly brings tangible benefits, in violation of the rules - harm to the body. Follow the rules and stay healthy.



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