Everyone can try to make an amazing liqueur from berries at home, which will delight and delight guests. Do not worry about the lack of skills and experience in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages - if you follow the recipe and the correct ratio of components in the output will be incredibly tasty and fragrant product. The infusion of berries on vodka can be made from red or black currants, and gooseberries.
Important details and useful tips
Many believe, that homemade alcohol from berries on alcohol can be prepared only in summer or autumn, when the main components for the drink are reached. However, it does not. If desired, you can use frozen raw materials - homemade liqueur will not lose its flavor.. Depending on that, which berries you choose for an alcoholic beverage, the terms of its maturation will vary, namely:
- Infusions of frozen or fresh raspberries, strawberries, raspberries or blackberries
Berry liqueur
are considered precocious. This tincture is prepared fairly quickly - within a month.
- Cherries, cranberries, Viburnum and currant drinks will require more patience from winemakers, after all, they can be considered ready only through 1,5-2,5 months after mixing the ingredients.
- Preparation of infusion at home from apricots, gooseberries and mountain ash can stretch on 3, 5, and that's it 6 months. That is why drinks from such berries are called late ripening.
Vodka is often used as an alcoholic base for liqueurs, diluted or concentrated alcohol, wine, cognac. exept this, infusion of various berries can be prepared ??on water and sugar - the fruit in this case will go through a natural fermentation process.
Recipes for berry liqueurs
Here are some examples of homemade alcoholic beverages from berries, which everyone can do. We advise you to strictly follow the recipe, to get a great product without any flaws.
Recipe number 1, or cranberry liqueur
Cranberries take pride of place among the berries, з яких можна приготувати домашню наливку. The drink is easy to drink, has a refined taste with a slight sourness. It can be made from fresh fruit, and from frozen berries. You will need the following ingredients:
- cranberry - 250-300 city .;
- quality vodka or diluted alcohol - 0,5 l .;
- sugar - 1 Art. l .;
- water - 50 ml.
Before cooking the liqueur at home, it is necessary to sort out the berries, throwing out rotten and affected by insects. Raw materials are placed in a glass container, knead with a spoon or rolling pin, pour alcohol. Further, the mass mixes well, the container is covered with a lid and removed to a warm place for several weeks.
Over time, the drink is filtered through 2 filter - gauze and cotton wool - distributed in bottles. For those, who does not like the sour taste of cranberries, it is advisable to make a sweet version of the infusion. Sugar is dissolved in warm water, pour the resulting solution into the drink and let it stand for another day. Use the finished infusion in chilled form.
Recipe number 2. Blackcurrant homemade tincture
Виготовлення ароматної наливки з чорної смородини зажадає наступних інгредієнтів:
- berries - 400 city .;
- vodka - 0,5 l .;
- water - 1 Cup;
- granulated sugar - to taste.
Before making homemade blackcurrant liqueur, it is necessary to grind berries, that the future drink had an amazing aroma.
Water is poured into a deep metal container, put it on low heat, add sugar, berries and mix thoroughly. Across 3-5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, cool the syrup to room temperature, and then pour it into a glass container with vodka or alcohol. The infusion should be infused close 3 weeks, it should be shaken periodically. From preparation the drink is passed through several filters and bottled.
Recipe number 3, or tender raspberry nectar
A soft and fragrant raspberry drink can be prepared fresh, and from frozen berries. To make a drink, you will need:
- raspberry - 3,5 kg .;
- vodka - 1 l .;
- sugar - 1 glass;
- water - 250 ml.
Before making the infusion at home, raspberries should be folded in a glass container, pour vodka and let it infuse for 3 days. When alcohol absorbs the aroma and taste of berries, it is poured into a jar, add pre-cooked sugar syrup. The solution is mixed well, close the container with a lid and infuse for 3 weeks in a cool dark place. After that, the drink is ready to drink.
Recipe number 4. Strawberry liqueur
You can make a quick tincture from frozen strawberries, which will be the decoration of any holiday table. You will need about to prepare the drink 500 grams of fruit and 1 l. vodka or alcohol. Strawberries are lightly kneaded, pour alcohol and leave in a warm room without access to sunlight for several weeks. Over time, the infusion is filtered, distributed in bottles.
To give the drink spiciness, you can add a little cinnamon, 1-2 carnation inflorescences and a pinch of cardamom. After that, the solution should be infused for several days.
In conclusion, it is worth saying, that there are other recipes for infusions, at home that everyone can cook. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment with the ingredients of drinks and be patient.