Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Cinnamon tincture on vodka: prepare healing, delicious drink

Fragrant cinnamon sticks, which are often used in the manufacture of pastries, which were not always considered a spice. Previously, cinnamon was widely used in folk medicine, and in the Middle Ages it often replaced currency in auctions. This spice was brought from distant Ceylon and Sri Lanka. Immediately after the first appearance of cinnamon on the market, scientists became interested in her. It was then that the amazing properties of this spice were discovered.

Composition and properties of spices

In addition to the amazing aroma and pleasant burning taste, the spice contains a large number of essential oils, trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. Thanks to such components spice began to be used not only in food, but also for the treatment of various diseases. Example, drinks and decoctions of the plant were used in the following diseases:

  • nervous tension and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • arthritis and osteoarthritis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cold, SARS, etc.. d.

The effect of spices on the endocrine system is invaluable. No wonder, cinnamon with honey is used to reduce body weight and speed up metabolism. Even if you just add a pinch of spice to the tea ??or other beverage, you can interrupt the feeling of hunger, and with regular use is not only getting rid of extra pounds, але і висновок з організму шлаків і токсинів.

Aromatic spice is often confused with its relative - cassia. Both plants are quite similar to each other, but, the original differs in steady and strong aroma at the minimum bitterness of a product.

Recipes for aromatic drinks and other means

Today you can find a huge number of drink recipes online, відварів і інших коштів, prepared using cinnamon. Read our tips and try to make a tincture of fragrant spices yourself.

Recipe number 1. Diabetes medication

It is quite possible to normalize the level of glucose in the blood with the help of cinnamon drink. You only need 100 city. spices, crushed into powder, and 300-400 ml of vodka. Cinnamon is poured into a glass container, filled with alcohol and closed with a lid. She will insist on vodka for a month.

When the drink is ready, it is passed through a cotton filter and begin treatment. Take half a teaspoon twice a day. The course of medication should not exceed the mark in 5 days, after which you should take a 2-day break and start drinking the tincture again.

Recipe number 2. English cinnamon tincture to improve brain function

With chronic fatigue, memory loss and brain problems should be used

cinnamon tincture

drink, consisting of a number of aromatic spices. You will need it for cooking:

  • vodka or diluted to 60 degrees alcohol - 250-300 ml .;
  • orange and lemon peel - 10 and 5 city. in accordance;
  • crust stick - 1 PC .;
  • the remaining (root) — 1 h. l .;
  • ginger - 1 pinch;
  • Carnation - 7 inflorescence;
  • cardamom - a third of. l .;
  • iris root, nutmeg and cubeba pepper - on the tip of a knife.

All components must be folded into glassware, pour alcohol and leave on 30-40 days. After that, the tincture of cinnamon and other spices is diluted with water (the fortress should be close 30%), distilled. The result should be a 65-degree essence. She is left for a week, and then added to vodka or moonshine.

That the tincture had a healing effect on the body, it must be diluted with alcohol in proportion 1: 3. If the remedy is too bitter, then you can add a little honey.

Recipe number 3. Apple-brown cognac

Not only medicinal drinks can be made from spicy sticks, але і неймовірно смачний алкоголь для застіль. Example, high praise is given to apple-brown cognac. To prepare the drink will be needed:

  • moonshine or diluted alcohol - 1 l .;
  • sour apples - 1 kg .;
  • brown powder - 10-15 city .;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • sugar - optional.

Sugar is diluted with water in the ratio 2: 1, syrup is prepared from it. The fruit is peeled, remove bones and cores, cut into thin slices. Apples together with spices are put in a jar, pour alcohol and add warm sugar syrup. The drink will be brewed for about a week, then it must be filtered and bottled for long-term storage.

Recipe number 4. Cinnamon with honey for weight loss

For women, dissatisfied with his figure, you can advise effective in the fight against overweight - cinnamon with honey. It is done quite simply, and manufacturing costs are minimal. Spice (10 city.) It is necessary to fill 300 ml of boiling water, and after 40-50 minutes add 30 city. honey. The mixture should be infused for 10-12 hours, then drink it. Permissible dose - half a glass twice a day.

Cinnamon with honey with regular use allows you to reset to 5-7 kg per month, however, кожен курс лікування повинен чергуватися з 2-тижневим перервою.


Despite the huge list of useful properties of cinnamon, ця пряність може викликати і неприємні побічні ефекти, especially when exceeding the dosage of aromatic beverages. exept this, cinnamon tincture should not be used, if you have the following:

  • liver disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding;
  • being in a state of stress;
  • individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions.

Cinnamon drinks on vodka are not recommended for people, who are taking antibiotics. Pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from taking such drugs.



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