Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Propolis tincture on vodka: recipe, rules of application

Beekeeping products and preparations based on them are widely used as a remedy in folk and official medicine.

One of the most effective - propolis tincture on vodka, whose recipe is very simple and suitable for making at home.

Why it is so popular?To answer this question you need to know everything about its main component.

What is propolis

Propolis is also called bee glue or knot. In beehives, it plays an important role. With its help bees:

  1. Seal the cracks, to avoid drafts and maintain the optimum temperature.
  2. The flap is closed if necessary.
  3. Cells are treated with disinfectant beforehand, as the uterus lays eggs in them.
  4. If a potentially dangerous object enters the hive, it is also coated with propolis, so that it does not cause infection of the family.

Propolis is absolutely necessary for the life of the hive. It is bee glue is rightly considered a healing product of beekeeping.

Today it is widely studied and widely used in pharmacy. This is not surprising, after all, it has a number of useful characteristics, and its composition is unique.

In its composition, natural and high-quality bee glue consists of:

  • flavonoids, esters of aromatic acids on 50%;
  • wax on 30%;
  • essential and aromatic oils on 10%;
  • pollen on 5%;
  • vitamins, minerals and sugars on 5%.

At the same time, a full study of its chemical composition is underway.

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Properties and applications

Due to its rich composition, propolis is an expensive material. It is effective in fighting viruses, bacteria and fungi.

It contains a large number of vitamins, trace elements, essential amino acids.

Propolis is a powerful antioxidant and stimulates the excretion of toxins, it is an excellent immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory agent.

What cures this medicine? Alcohol tinctures of different concentrations are used for oral administration, usually diluting them with a little water or milk.

They are also used to make healing compresses and bandages in the treatment of traumatic injuries and fungal skin lesions., creams and ointments are used for eczema, psoriasis, rash treatment, caused by chickenpox or herpes.

Propolis for weight loss

in addition, they are used for inhalation in the treatment of various diseases of the human respiratory tract.

Alcohol tincture as a component in medicines is used as an external remedy in the treatment of wounds and burns, for rinsing and irrigation for dental problems, like drops in the nose and ear.

Propolis tincture is also taken orally to improve the condition of a patient with chronic diseases of the internal organs and maintain overall body tone in the treatment of drug and alcohol dependence..

Propolis tincture on vodka

Before, how to insist propolis on vodka, you need to choose a fresh and high-quality source product - glue. You can buy it at the market or fair of beekeeping products.

Propolis is quite expensive and, Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to forge or add wax and other impurities, to gain weight.

For cooking it is better to choose fresh glue. Highlights, which you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Color - it can be from dark yellow to deep brown, often with an admixture of green.
  2. The smell is astringent with an admixture of natural honey and young wood buds.
  3. Density - propolis is better to take the softest and most plastic; if you click on it, then a clear fingerprint should remain, during prolonged storage, the glue hardens and loses some active substances.
  4. Taste - if you chew a piece, then there must be bitterness, and after a while - burning.
  5. Cleanliness - only clean and high-quality raw materials are suitable for the preparation of medicines, therefore it is necessary to grind propolis between fingers, sniff and look at him, if foreign chemical odors or mechanical inclusions are noticeable, such glue should not be used for treatment.

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And of course, The easiest way to avoid fraud or mistakes when buying - contact a proven beekeeper. In this case, you can be sure, that propolis is natural, clean and fresh.

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Instructions for use of propolis oil
Now you can start making propolis on vodka.

  1. To dissolve bee glue you will need a good 40-degree vodka without any additives. At the same time it is not necessary to save on quality, the presence of excess ingredients or fusel oils can not only reduce the healing effect, but harm the body.
  2. On 100 grams of propolis it is needed 0,5 liters. In addition to the ingredients themselves, you will need a glass container of appropriate volume with an airtight lid.
  3. Before, how to make propolis tincture on vodka, it is recommended to separate bee glue from insoluble impurities. To do this, it is cooled for about half an hour in the refrigerator and grind to size 2-4 mm This can be done with a simple kitchen grater, or, wrapping pieces of glue in several layers of clean cloth, grind them with a hammer.
  4. The resulting granules are filled with purified cold water. Pieces of propolis will settle to the bottom, and various insoluble impurities emerge. They are carefully drained with water. The remaining bee glue is dried.
  5. To infuse propolis should be poured into a clean glass bottle, pour vodka and shake well.
  6. The mixture is infused for 10-14 days in a cool and dark place, but not in the refrigerator. It is recommended to shake the bottle several times a day, that the mixture is constantly stirred and the nutrients of bee glue are completely dissolved in vodka.
  7. As a result of insistence the liquid of yellowish or greenish color with pleasant taste and a smell and a deposit at the bottom should turn out..
  8. Mixture, so as not to interfere with the reception of undissolved residues, it is recommended to filter. To do this, it is necessary, without shaking, pour into another bowl through a paper tube with a piece of cotton wool or several layers of gauze.

Modern apitherapy. Propolis ointment for cough

This is the end of cooking. The filtered tincture of propolis on vodka is poured into glass bottles and hermetically sealed. It can be stored for up to 3 years, but experienced beekeepers recommend using it throughout the year.

In some cases, propolis tincture is used on vodka, whose recipe also contains medicinal herbs.

There are a few rules to follow when using propolis tincture:

  • diluting, the drug is poured milk or water, if you do the opposite, the drug will collapse and settle on the walls of the vessel;
  • for children when taken orally, the dose is calculated according to the scheme 1 drop for one year of age of the child;
  • you must always strictly adhere to the recommended dose and continue treatment or prevention for no more than 2 months, after which a break is required.

Carefully: contraindication

Though, that propolis tincture is a completely natural remedy, it has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to any of the bee products;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • pancreatitis;
  • kidney stones.

In any case, consult a doctor before taking propolis tincture. When the common cold, cough, itching, rash, swelling or redness of the skin, indicating an allergy, you must immediately stop using the tincture.



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