Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Hazelnut tincture on vodka: recipes and purpose of the drink

Despite the fact that today you can rarely find recipes for alcoholic beverages from hazelnuts, in ancient Russia it was quite popular. It is accepted to consider, that such moonshine was highly valued by Ivan the Terrible himself, therefore, no royal feast was complete without fragrant nut tincture. The recipe for a strange tart drink was preferred by the Russian authorities of a later period. Example, the same Catherine II could not deny herself the pleasure of tasting a couple of glasses of alcohol, vitrimanogo on funduku.

Today, the drink is known in several versions - it can be made exclusively from nuts, and from the leaves, shells. For those who prefer sweet homemade alcohol, it is recommended to flavor the tincture with a little honey or sugar.

Application in folk medicine

Few people know, that hazelnut tincture can cure a number of diseases. For several centuries, this healing drink was prescribed to patients, suffering from asthma and tuberculosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin problems. Patients, who have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as heart disease, noted improvement after a course of treatment with a tart drink on nuts.

However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and take into account a number of contraindications. Hazelnut tincture on alcohol is not recommended for human use, suffering from alcoholism and liver cirrhosis, prone to allergic reactions, have untreated gastric ulcer. Diabetics are not recommended to drink hazelnut drink on vodka with honey or sugar - glucose levels can rise sharply.

Tincture on the shell and leaves of hazelnuts has proven itself as a means of cleansing the body of toxins, шлаків і паразитів.

Hazelnut drink recipes

Before preparing the drink you need to properly collect the hazelnuts. For tincture you need to choose nuts with unopened pericarp. You can start making healing products immediately after collecting raw materials.

Recipe number 1. Therapeutic nut tincture for cancer

For cancer patients, it is advisable to prepare a drink from nuts on alcohol. вам знадобляться наступні компоненти:

  • unripe hazelnuts - about 30 things;
  • diluted alcohol or vodka - 3 l.

Shake the hazelnuts finely, put in a 3-liter jar and fill with alcohol. The container should be closed with a lid and left on 30-40 days in a dark room. As soon as the tincture of unripe nuts is ready, it is filtered and distributed in bottles.

To get rid of a number of unpleasant symptoms of cancer, necessary in the morning, half an hour before a meal to drink 1 Art. l. drink, diluting it in a quarter cup of mineral water. The treatment can also be supplemented by the use of pumpkin seeds (on 1-2 h. L. Before eating), ground cloves, as well as tincture of wormwood in water.

Ці ж цілющі натуральні засоби допоможуть позбутися від паразитів.

Recipe number 2. "Bear's Corner"

Incredibly tasty and healthy alcohol on nuts will be a great addition to any meal. You will need it to prepare it:

  • vodka or moonshine - 3 l .;
  • honey - 300 city .;
  • Hazelnut - 0,5 kg .;
  • juicy aloe leaves - 100 city.

Aloe is finely chopped, placed in a glass container, pour vodka or moonshine and leave for a day. After that, the alcohol base is filtered. Hazelnuts are chopped, mixed with honey and add the mixture to alcohol. Across 2 weeks fragrant and delicious drink on vodka will be ready. For therapeutic purposes, it is used for 1 Art. l. перед прийомом їжі.

Recipe number 3. Universal remedy for alcohol

If you do not want to bother for a long time with the preparation of hazelnut tincture, то вам доведеться по душі наступний рецепт напою. Take it 35 pericarp of the fundus, put them in the jar, pour in the alcohol and allow to infuse for 40 days. This tincture of alcohol will help with joint diseases, dermatitis and cardiovascular disease. Use the tool on 1 Art. l. before each meal. If you do not have side effects from the use of tincture, then the dosage can be doubled one week after starting treatment.

Recipe number 4. Strengthening tincture of a mixture of nuts

A drink made of several types of nuts will help strengthen the immune system. You will need it to prepare it 2 Art. l. kedrovich, walnuts and hazelnuts. These components must be ground, add to them a couple of tablespoons of natural honey and 1 Art. l. chopped rose hips. The healing mixture is poured 500 ml of vodka and infused for 3 weeks.

Once the tool is ready, it is passed through a filter, and then proceed to treatment. No more is allowed per day 1 Art. l. before each meal.

With burns, abrasions and skin diseases are well helped by a mixture of hazelnuts and eggs. Hazelnuts are ground into powder, mixed with the protein of one egg. The resulting mass must be treated damaged skin several times a day.

Useful Information

Регулярне вживання засіб на основі фундука допоможе не тільки усунути хронічні захворювання, but also to improve general well-being. The drink has a beneficial effect on the brain, memory. Hazelnut remedies have proven themselves well in the prevention of joint diseases - they help increase tissue elasticity, prevent the risk of sprains and injuries. That is why hazelnuts are often present in the diet of professional athletes.

Pay attention to your diet during treatment with natural preparations from hazelnuts. Meat dishes should be excluded from it, sour, spicy and salty foods. Only in this case, the use of tinctures will be most effective.



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