Spraying peppers with boric acid for the ovary: the benefit of the method

Any gardener, who grows sweet bell peppers, knows, that without systematic feeding can not do. Feeding the plant is an equally important component of care, as watering. Pepper fertilizer with boron is very useful for the plant.


Boric acid stimulates and accelerates the flowering process of pepper. in addition, it helps to preserve the already formed ovary. in addition, trace element helps the fruit to avoid rot, even in conditions of high humidity.

Boron solution increases yields. As a result of regular watering, the fruits become much tastier. Under the action of the element, the process of assimilation of nutrients by plants is significantly accelerated.

Boron is especially useful for those peppers, growing at home (on the balcony or windowsill). Due to the "living" conditions, such individuals are considered weak. They need enhanced nutrition, compared to their soil relatives. Boron is able to overcome all these differences.

Spraying peppers with pine, you reliably protect them from damage by late blight. Processing is necessary in the conditions of emergence on cultures of the twisted leaves. Peppers should not be fertilized with superphosphate at this time.

Useful boron for individuals, whose leaves have fallen. In this case, it is better not to use pure acid, and combine it with mullein and urea. Most gardeners soak the seeds in boric acid solution before planting. To do this, prepare a solution, consisting of several elements: in a pint of tincture of onion peel add a solution of ash (in the same amount), in such a mixture is also added 0,005 kilograms of soda, 0,2 grams of acid and 1 grams of manganese. Seed, treated before planting with a similar solution, will be reliably protected from late blight.

How to understand, that culture is in dire need of pine? There are a number of signs of this phenomenon. Firstly, the upper leaves turn pale, become small and lose their usual shape. The upper shoots die. Secondly, weak flowering and ovulation are observed.

Spraying peppers with boric acid for the ovary is carried out with a specially prepared solution (0,002 kilograms of acid diluted in a bucket of water). This solution is great not only for peppers. It is also used for eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers. The finished solution will help eliminate the rot of the fruits of these crops.

Video "Secrets of growing peppers"

You will learn from the video, how to grow an excellent pepper crop.