Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Cleaning moonshine with charcoal, assets, coconut

Among the most effective ways to clean moonshine from fusel oils is its filtration through different types of coal. Due to the high ability of the carbon filter to absorb harmful substances, this method of purification of alcohol allows you to most completely remove various impurities from moonshine.

We will try to give the whole truth about cleaning moonshine with activated carbon at home below.

Which coal is suitable for cleaning moonshine

For the filter, used to retain harmful impurities, you can use different types of coal.

The following types can be included in this list:

  • activated charcoal from a pharmacy in tablets;
  • coal from a gas mask;
  • different types of charcoal;
  • coal from water filters;
  • coconut charcoal;
  • special coal for winemakers.

Purification of moonshine with activated carbon

There seem to be a lot of questions in this seemingly simple matter, we will try to consider all aspects in detail.

Which activated carbon is best for cleaning moonshine

It is worth noting, that the properties of activated carbon in the purification of moonshine are the absorption through the pores in its structure of various harmful substances. To be able to capture various impurities, the pore size in this type of coal must exceed the diameter of the molecules of such a substance.

Since medical activated carbon is made from different types of raw materials (charcoal, specialized types of coal such as UAB-A, coking coal and so on), the pore size in this substance is small. For this reason, the purification of moonshine with pharmacy activated carbon is ineffective.

Activated carbon with gas filters is also poorly suited for this purpose. Additional substances, used to deactivate inhaled air, may react with ethanol, which will spoil the taste of the product.

The use of activated carbon gives the best results in the selection of harmful impurities, made of wood. In particular, quite effective cleaning of moonshine with birch activated carbon.

How to make activated carbon to clean moonshine

It is difficult to make high-quality activated carbon with your own hands to clean moonshine. The technology of that, how to activate charcoal to clean moonshine uses the effect of pyrolysis - burning wood in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

The following steps are required for self-manufacturing of activated charcoal:

  • take birch firewood and let it burn completely in an open fire;
  • when only smoldering coal remains, place them in a container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • after, as the coals go out and cool, the filter media will be ready.

If you perform these steps correctly, the received coal will practically not concede on quality offered in shop.

How much activated carbon is needed to clean moonshine

The amount of activated carbon used depends on the method of application of such a tool. A number of sources recommend cleaning moonshine by filtering it through such a substance. Some advise simply adding crushed activated carbon to the resulting distillate.

Example, about that, how much to put activated carbon in the product or filter to remove impurities, there are tips to take one piece of coal on 20 parts of alcohol (about 50 g of coal per liter of product). These proportions can be slightly changed in the direction of increasing the amount of coal used, since more adsorbents will not harm.

It is worth noting, that when using a significantly larger amount of adsorbent, the benefits and harms of cleaning the product will not change significantly. The effectiveness of coal on moonshine is final. Each type of coal can only contain impurity molecules of a certain size. Increasing the amount of adsorbent will not increase the cleaning efficiency.

The consumption of the filter material will also depend on a number of factors. Example, for the initial purification of the obtained distillate, the filter element will need to be changed after each purification of the available volume of alcohol.

The time of cleaning moonshine with activated carbon should ensure the most complete absorption of impurities contained in the drink, and at the same time to exclude danger of return of harmful substances back to the cleaned product. It is worth noting, that in different sources the recommendations on the duration of infusion of the drink differ significantly.

Focusing on technological standards of alcohol purification, it is advisable to insist moonshine on crushed charcoal for up to five to seven days.

It is important to know

Increasing the duration of infusion of moonshine on crushed coal is unlikely to improve the quality of the product. At excessively long stay of coal in alcohol, it may begin to dissolve, returning the accumulated harmful impurities back to the product.

How to use activated carbon to clean moonshine

Most recipes for cleaning moonshine with activated carbon require the use of specialized brands of coal (BAU-A, BAU-LV, KAU-A), or high-quality charcoal for a brazier. It is not recommended to clean moonshine with activated charcoal tablets from a pharmacy.

There are only two options for using this substance to clean moonshine - this is the insistence of the product on crushed coal, or its use as a filter element.

When cleaning moonshine by infusing it, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  • before cleaning the strength of the drink should be from 40 to 55 degrees;
  • in a container with moonshine filled with crushed activated carbon at the rate 50 g per liter of product;
  • then the contents of the dishes are thoroughly mixed and placed in a cool dark place on 5-7 days;
  • a sign of completed cleaning is the precipitation of fragments of coal with fusel oils;

    Kind of moonshine after 5-7 days of defending after coconut charcoal

  • then the product must be filtered through cotton pads to remove precipitate.

The process of that, how to clean moonshine with charcoal by filtration, slightly different from the above.

  • First you need to make the filter housing.

A two-liter plastic bottle is mainly used for this purpose, in which the bottom is cut off.

  • Put cotton wool in the neck of the bottle, tightly wrapped in several layers of gauze.
  • Fill the bottle with charcoal.

The amount of coal used will depend on its type. Example, ordinary charcoal is filled at the rate 50 g per liter of purified product. Specialized coal (for example - UAB-A) you can lay less, close 12-15 g per liter of product.

  • Pass the cleaned product through the prepared filter.
  • To ensure the best effect of removing impurities, it is desirable to change the filter filling after each pass of the available volume of moonshine.

How to restore activated carbon after cleaning moonshine

Reusing activated charcoal to clean moonshine is not recommended. Since in the process of using coal is saturated with harmful impurities contained in the product, it is much easier to replace the cleaning element instead, to carry out its restoration.

Here are some tips to help you save money on alcohol. These include tips for rinsing activated charcoal after cleaning moonshine. Worth to know, that substance, removed by the structure of coal, leaching under the flow of water are not subject. And in the case of reuse of such material, which filters all the impurities absorbed by them can return to the drink.

There are recommendations to restore coal after use by treatment with a two percent solution of hydrochloric acid, then rinse with water, dry up, roast on fire in a closed pan and reuse. Due to the danger of harmful compounds remaining in the activated carbon in the purified beverage, this method should not be used.

Cleaning moonshine with charcoal

This technique is considered the most popular.

Which charcoal is best for cleaning moonshine

Charcoal is most often used at home for barbecue or barbecue.

How to make charcoal to clean moonshine

You can prepare charcoal for cleaning moonshine with your own hands using two options:

  1. By burning firewood in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

After burning firewood to the state of coal, place them in an airtight container, which prevents air from entering.

  1. By burning firewood without access to air.

The simplest implementation of this method is to place firewood under a metal basin and build a large fire on it.

Actually, the above steps are also a way to activate charcoal to clean moonshine. It is due to this treatment that coal acquires increased ability to absorb harmful substances.

How much charcoal is needed to clean moonshine

The amount of charcoal used depending on the different cleaning methods (infusion on crushed charcoal or filtration) described above.

A charcoal filter for cleaning moonshine can also be made using the previously described method.

Damage from cleaning with charcoal can be observed only when reusing the filter material. In this case, there is a possibility of leaching of accumulated in the filter substance harmful impurities in the cleaned product. In other cases, the use of coal as an adsorbent filter will only benefit.

Purification of moonshine with coconut charcoal

Made from coconut shell charcoal has a good adsorbing effect, therefore, it is considered a very effective means of cleaning moonshine. Proper cleaning of moonshine with coconut charcoal works only from the specialized brand KAU-A. Use of other brands of this substance, including - intended for hookah, will cause alcohol to contain excipients contained in such coal, and damage to the product.

How much coconut charcoal is needed to clean moonshine

When cleaning moonshine from fusel oils with coconut charcoal is advised to follow the proportion of two tablespoons of this substance per liter of purified product. By weight it is approximately 10 d on 1 l of alcohol, which is significantly less compared to the use of other types of coal.

If desired, the dosage can be slightly increased. At the same time, Excessive amounts of used coal will lead to the absorption of filter moonshine and significant product losses.

How to use coconut charcoal to clean moonshine

Instructions, how to use this type of coal, can be represented by such a sequence of actions:

  1. Dilute moonshine with water.

The degree of breeding depends on it, whether re-distillation is planned. Before the second distillation, the alcohol must be diluted to the fortress approximately 20%. If re-distillation is not planned, the strength of the product should be close 40-50%.

  1. Grind coal into pieces of no more size 1 see and remove dust.
  2. Fill the coals in a glass container at the rate 10 r coal on 1 liter of 40-degree alcohol.
  3. Pour the moonshine and place the jar in a dark cool place on 3-4 days.

Once in 8-12 hours of the bank is desirable to shake.

  1. At the end of this time, filter the moonshine through a gauze folded in several layers.

The recipe for using coconut charcoal to make a filter is identical to the above, and differs only in the proportion of the use of filter media.

How to restore coconut charcoal after cleaning moonshine

Similar to other types of filter element, the reuse of coconut charcoal is not recommended. According to reviews, coal recovery by any of the above methods, and its reuse can cause the drink to accumulate harmful impurities accumulated in such a substance.

Other ways to clean moonshine

  • Cleaning moonshine from fusel oils with a barrier filter
  • Cleaning moonshine with milk at home
  • Cleaning moonshine with bread at home
  • Cleaning moonshine with egg
  • Purification of moonshine from fusel oils with manganese
  • Cleaning moonshine with soda and salt proportions
  • Purification of moonshine with bentonite
  • Ways to clean moonshine


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