The deadline for planting cucumbers in open ground for harvest

The time of planting different crops is approaching. It is important to choose the right area with fertile soil, as well as compliance with the deadlines for planting. Therefore, every gardener should know the deadline for planting cucumbers, after which it is impossible to hope for a rich harvest.

Conditions for growing

Seedlings are the most important component of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers. Direct sowing of cucumbers in the open ground should be avoided. Therefore, the care of seedlings should be given special attention.

When to sow cucumbers? The procedure is usually performed a few weeks before transplanting young plants to a permanent place. The time frame for the procedure is mid or late March.

After sowing, you need to constantly create a moist environment in the soil. For this purpose it is enough to carry out spraying of soil mix from a pulverizer. Under such conditions, young individuals will appear much faster. As soon as the first stairs appear, the container with them should be moved to a sunny place. However, probably, it will be impossible to do without the organization of additional lighting of plants. If special lamps, giving daylight, not on the farm, can be installed on the sides of the containers and mirrors above them, which will reflect the sun's rays and direct light directly on individuals.

Growing seedlings involves maintaining the temperature at a certain level. Until the appearance of the first individuals should be maintained at 23 ° - 28 °. When the stairs will appear, the temperature should be reduced to 20 ° - 22 °. After, as the seedlings germinate, she will need even less heat. At night, this figure will be around 18 ° - 20 °. If it is not possible to set the temperature, you need to at least optimize it. Cucumber seedlings also need constant ventilation (exchange between outdoor and indoor air). However, drafts can completely destroy young plants.

In the period, when the seeds germinated, the ground is often moistened, but not abundant. The main indicator of the need for moisture is the drying of the top layer. So, you can form a strong root system. Watering should be carried out a couple of times a week with heated and settled water. Otherwise the plants may die. Do not boil water, after all, in this case, all will be lost, is in the liquid oxygen, which can not have a positive effect on young cucumbers. Young individuals should be watered in this way, so that drops of liquid do not fall on the leaves of plants.

Growing sprouts involves proper care for them. In winter and early spring, the apartment is still heated, which helps to reduce humidity. Therefore, young plants should be sprayed periodically, increasing this figure.

If in a container, where a pair of seeds was sown, and they both went down, it is worth leaving only one, the most powerful and strong. In this case, the weak individual should not be pulled out, and cut with scissors. Otherwise, you can accidentally damage the root system of even a stronger sprout.

Seedlings before planting need fertilizing. Its cultivation usually requires 3 top dressing. For the first time nutrients are added after the formation of the sheet. This fertilizer consists of ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The mixture of substances is diluted in a bucket of water. You can dilute the solution with organic matter, example, bird droppings or mullein.

Subsequent fertilization can be avoided, as it is not mandatory. It is carried out during the formation of the second sheet. The third time nutrients are added half a month after the first feeding. The composition is the same, as in the first case, only twice as many nutrients are needed. In addition to fertilizers in the form of irrigation, often used and fertilizing the leaves. Such fertilizers stimulate the development of young plants and form their immunity.

Before transplanting young individuals, it is necessary to choose the right place for growing crops. The area must be reliably protected from the effects of northern winds. in addition, sunlight should actively illuminate the southern slopes of the site.

Southern slope on the territory, where it is planned to grow cucumbers, can be created manually. As a result, the temperature of the site will be several degrees higher. In autumn, you need to dig the soil to a depth 0,3 meters. If the soil will have a clay composition or will be heavy, it should be humus, peat, sawdust or straw.

The soil should be loosened so much, so that the hand can easily penetrate into its depth. The water should not stagnate on the ground or form a puddle. Vice versa, the liquid must penetrate into the soil depth very freely.

Cucumbers should be grown in a special bed. To do this, the seedlings are moved to the bed, which is located across the slope. The sun's rays should fall on the bed, therefore, the southern slope should be small.

Video "Planting cucumbers in the open ground"

You will learn from the video, how to properly plant cucumbers.