vseznayko.com.ua | Useful articles and tips from Vseznayka

A collection of useful tips from the Vseznayko site. Interesting articles, tips and information

Cold forging machine with your own hands: drawing, instruction and video

A homemade cold forging machine can come in handy, якщо вам подобатися майструвати і ви не проти зробити своїми руками

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How to choose a cutting wheel for a Bulgarian on metal, concrete, stone, tiles, plastic

The main tool for the Bulgarian is the cutting wheels. Not a secret, that the quality and speed of work directly depends on the correctness of the selection…

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How to make a cultivator with a trimmer, lawn mower, motorcycle, snow blower and other devices with your own hands

What you can do with a trimmer yourself, to facilitate daily work or entertainment? This question arises, якщо є старе непотрібне

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What to cook with chicken fillet - the best recipes quickly and deliciously, for dinner, in the oven, multicookers + Photo

If you do not know, what to cook from chicken fillet quickly and deliciously, for dinner or for the holiday table, тоді варто звернути

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No engine oil pressure: causes of pressure drop and ways to increase it

No engine oil pressure: causes of pressure drop and ways to increase it

It is well known, that the internal combustion engine is a power unit, which has a large number of loaded parts and assemblies. For…

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Heating pump: installation of a circulating pump in the heating system

Such device allows to increase efficiency of work of autonomous systems of heating of country houses and country houses., as a circulating pump for heating. Installation…

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Induction furnace for melting metals, made with their own hands: the necessary scheme and principle of operation,

Induction furnace for melting metals, made with their own hands: the necessary scheme and principle of operation,

Currently, stoves began to be used in everyday life, operating on the induction principle, which are commonly used in industry. Щоб індукційні

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Calculation of water pressure in the pipeline. Example of calculating the pressure in the pipe

Calculation of water pressure in the pipeline. Example of calculating the pressure in the pipe

Comfort in the house is hard to imagine without running water. And the emergence of new technology in the form of laundry, dishwashers, бойлера і інших агрегатів

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Dishwasher type: condensing, intensive, turbo dryer

Dishwasher type: condensing, intensive, turbo dryer

In home appliance stores, customers are often asked questions: which type of dishwasher is better? У різних моделях є

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Допустимий відсоток тонування стекол автомобіля по ГОСТ

Тонування автомобіля — популярна методика, що дозволяє змінювати його світлопропускаючих здатність, а також впливати на колірні якості його вікон. Except…

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