vseznayko.com.ua | Useful articles and tips from Vseznayka

A collection of useful tips from the Vseznayko site. Interesting articles, tips and information

Gas pipe: steel, polyethylene and their features

A gas pipe is a product, used in the installation of gas pipelines. Previously, only steel products were used for these purposes, however,…

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MPA for lathes - the composition of emulsions, how to make your own hands

Any, even a novice metalworking specialist knows, what, performing turning work on the machine, be sure to use lubricating and cooling fluids (MPA)….

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How to crash into a water pipe under pressure: requirements and basic methods

Quite often the existing water supply system requires expansion in order to connect additional plumbing or create a new circuit. Під час врізання у

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Why you need to save electricity even though it is cheap?

Why you need to save electricity even though it is cheap. Electricity is especially expensive, since…

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How to connect IPTV to TV and set up digital TV

IPTV is digital television, it can be connected to a TV, and to the computer, smartphone, media player. There are several ways…

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Tools and accessories for laying tiles

Installation of facing takes a lot of forces and time, if you do not use the devices available today. You can not use expensive tools. IS…

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How to choose gaming headphones for computers with and without a microphone

Gaming headphones, unlike ordinary, have a bright design, they are more ergonomic, are characterized by high strength and other specific features. On…

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Why is the microwave humming?, when working

Today, almost every home has a microwave, with which food is heated, they prepare hot sandwiches for breakfast, підігрівають молочні суміші

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How to set up a sewing machine with your own hands

Sewing machine - an indispensable technique in every home. This applies equally to the old, and new models. Не варто

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Чому швейна машинка рве верхню нитку

Один з найбільш частих питань, яке задають любительки шиття: чому швейна машинка рве нитку при роботі? Важливо зауважити, що така

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