Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Dizziness from a hangover due to intoxication of the body

One of the symptoms of a hangover is dizziness. In this state a person thinks, that the objects around him rotate in space. Many people have no idea, why dizziness from a hangover and what danger it can bring to a person. The cause of this condition is the action of acetaldehyde. This substance is the result of the decomposition of ethanol.

What is dizziness?

The degree of dizziness depends on the amount of alcohol consumed the day before and the state of his health. The cause of the disease may be even a small amount of strong drinks. You can feel dizzy with a hangover by opening your eyes after sleep. Usually, this condition is a sign of severe intoxication. With a mild form of poisoning, the surrounding objects begin to float only when a person gets out of bed. Everything stops after that, as the human head touches the pillow again.

Dizziness decreases with the degree of purification of the body from toxins.

Sometimes a hangover dizziness can last for days, even then, when detoxification has already been successfully performed. This condition requires close attention and consultation with a doctor.

The main causes of the disease

Strong drinks affect all human organs. The result of intoxication of the body are changes in their work.

Dizziness, associated with changes in the cerebral cortex.

Alcohol intoxication of the brain leads to damage to brain cells. The result is:

  • Cerebellar lesions.
  • Disorders of the cerebral cortex and blood circulation in the brain.
  • Inhibition of neurons of vestibular nuclei.

Even a small amount of alcohol consumed by a person causes blood clotting, which leads to blockage of blood vessels. This is just one of the reasons, why a hangover makes your head dizzy. Glued erythrocytes are the cause of clogging of capillaries and the destruction of their walls. Thus, the blood enters the tissues of the human body and cause pathological changes in the brain.

In this state, dizziness from a hangover for a long time and get rid of the disease should be with the help of a doctor. Usually, in this state there is a violation of sound sleep

Dizziness, the cause of which is the ototoxicity of alcohol.

The cause of this condition is the death of neurons in the vestibular nuclei. The ototoxicity of alcohol affects the human hearing. It suppresses the supply of impulses to the CNS shells of the inner ear. This significantly reduces the level of hearing. Influencing the liquid environment of the inner ear, the breakdown products of alcohol carry out a blow to the vestibular system.

For these reasons, a hangover makes you dizzy for only a few hours.

Acetaldehyde can accumulate in the body without drinking strong drinks. This is due to the hereditary ability of man to very slowly process self-produced alcohol. It accumulates in tissues as a metabolite. Impaired conduction of nerve impulses to the brain is the cause of dizziness from a hangover.

Dizziness, the cause of which is a violation of the autonomic system.

The nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic. The first is responsible for daily human activity, the second for his reflex activity. By drinking alcohol, a person turns off his consciousness and the impact on the body of the sympathetic system. As the blood alcohol level decreases, it begins to run.

The person wakes up before that time, when his body has time to recover. This does not allow him to sleep, completely sober up and get a good night's sleep. Sleep is reduced in this state by an average of 17%. As a result, dizziness from a hangover.

Dizziness, associated with AD.

The cause of dizziness is dehydration and low blood sugar. The body spends insulin and a lot of energy to break down ethanol.

Drug treatment

Впоратися з запамороченням можна за допомогою медичних препаратів і з допомогою народних засобів. The most common are such drugs, as:

  • Glycine. The dosage of the drug is 100 mg. Accept it 2 times a day for two weeks.
  • Glutargin. The dosage of the drug depends on the person's weight and can range from 0,5 to 0,75 grams. Pills are taken 3 times a day until the disease disappears.
  • Lemontar. Take the drug on 0,25 G 4 times a day until then, until the head stops spinning.

You can take drugs only after detoxification of the body.

Very often to get rid of dizziness is enough to cleanse the body of toxins and replenish its energy.

Folk remedies

There are always many different tools to be found in every home, which help to cope with dizziness. Symptoms of the disease begin to appear the next morning after drinking alcohol and can last for several days. The easiest way to combat alcoholism is mustard. Its small segments are placed on the bridge of the nose or calves.

A good remedy - onions. Rub the temples with a vegetable cut in half. Seaweed should be included in the diet for dizziness, ginger tea. Some exercise can help with dizziness. Their essence is to alternate tilts of the head forward and sideways. After such therapy, dizziness may stop for a short time.

It is not possible to get rid of dizziness completely with the help of folk remedies in all cases, but it is the most harmless way to fight the disease. An indispensable folk remedy for constant dizziness is plantain. It is taken as a decoction. He is preparing from:

  • 1 glasses of boiling water;
  • 1 tablespoon of dry herbs.

The broth is infused before taking for 1 years. Перед вживанням пропускається через фільтр і змішується для додання смаку з 1 teaspoon of honey. A decoction of nettle also has the ability to cope with the disease. He is preparing from:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry herbs;
  • 150 ml of boiling water.

The broth is infused for 4 hours. Apple juice is added to the cooled drink. They are drinking 3 times a day. One decoction is 100 l. Mint and linden tincture is prepared from:

  • 100 grams of dried mint;
  • 75 grams of dried linden flowers;
  • 50 grams of peony root;
  • 2 glasses of boiling water.

Drink chilled 100 ml 4 times a day. Rose hip tincture with hawthorn and tavolga flowers helps in such cases,as well as Eleutherococcus extract. It stimulates the CNS. It is not recommended to move much during dizziness. A good night's sleep can effectively help you cope with the disease.

Diet for dizziness

The diet for dizziness should include fish. It contains a large amount of phosphorus. Salt in the diet at such times should be reduced to a minimum or completely eliminated. Its consumption should not exceed a fraction per day.

You can use blueberries as a dessert, black currants or strawberries. Bananas should be eaten with frequent dizziness, hard cheese and seafood. They help to normalize the nervous system.

It is not recommended to include spicy sauces in the diet during dizziness, ketchup, chips, french fries and other fatty and salty foods.

Modern medicine protects your health:

Zerotox>>> - a means of removing toxins: concentrate complex + powder helps cleanse and restore the body!;

Leviron Duo>>> - a means to restore the liver: living dihydroquercetin cells are the strongest helper for the liver!;

AlcoProst>>> - drops from alcoholism: treatment of alcoholism for 30 days!

How to treat a hangover:



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