Categories: Alcoholic recipes

Hangover panic attacks can occur in anyone, who drinks

Panic is one of the symptoms of a hangover. regular consumption of strong drinks causes a violation of emotional balance, leading him to post-alcoholic depression. Hangover panic attacks can be observed in almost all people addicted to alcohol. Effects, which can lead to the unpredictable.

What is a panic attack?

The manifestation of a panic attack is unreasonable anxiety, which deprives a person of sleep. It is characterized by sudden onset. In the early stages of alcoholism, panic attacks from a hangover can occur a day or two after drinking hard liquor. In chronic alcoholics, causeless anxiety does not pass.

Lack of timely treatment of mental disorders, caused by alcohol consumption, leads to irreversible consequences.

Hormonal imbalance is the cause of unreasonable anxiety.. It disrupts the human body's ability to produce hormones of joy. Blood pressure spikes occur during bouts of depression, tachycardia is observed. It is preceded by the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Hangover panic attacks are the result of the destruction of the breakdown products of alcohol nerve cells and their endings.

The most dangerous for the human nervous system fusel vapors and oils. They create in his body a large number of foci of necrosis in the nervous system.

All this stabilizes a person's emotional background. Panic attacks after drinking alcohol develop in ascending order. Falling into this state, a person loses the adequacy of behavior and becomes dangerous to those around him.

Causes of panic attacks

В ході досліджень причин порушення психіки людини при вживанні міцних напоїв вчені виявили зв’язок цієї недуги з роздратуванням стінок шлунка продуктами розпаду спирту. Feelings of anxiety can occur in a person not only after drinking alcohol, but also in the use of emergency care.

A very important factor, which affects the degree of mental disorders, caused by alcohol, there is genetic heredity. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is much more likely to occur, who suffers from chronic diseases. In this state, the human immune system is weakened.

Panic attacks after drinking alcohol are imposed on a person by his consciousness. Although it is considered, that panic attacks and alcohol are two constant companions, spirits are not a direct cause of unstable mental state. The main stimulant of panic is adrenaline.

What shall I do?

In panic attacks, a person does not understand well and can hardly help himself to cope with them. Usually, care for the patient falls on the shoulders of his loved ones. Many of them do not understand, how to deal with the disease. Very often it is difficult to physically cope with such patients.

It is possible to determine the necessary treatment for panic attacks after a complete diagnosis.

MRI should be a mandatory procedure in this condition. Only it can give a complete picture of the patient's brain. If a person has any diseases, the effect of ethanol on the human body can have different effects. At a hangover at the person all chronic illnesses amplify. Alcohol consumption can provoke various attacks.

In this state, all human phobias are awakened and exacerbated. The person may feel tracked, persecution. It may seem to him, that someone is encroaching on his life. Such panic attacks after drinking alcohol should be stopped together with a psychiatrist. Emotional help is part of the overall treatment.

Panic attacks after alcohol are effectively treated with hypnosis. Alcohol is a pathogenic factor in the development of mental disorders. Treatment for alcoholism can restore a shaky nervous system. It doesn't happen right away. The rehabilitation period can take up to six months. You can get rid of panic attacks only after a course of comprehensive treatment.

How to deal with panic attacks yourself?

Existing statistics show, що панічні атаки виникають найчастіше у людей у віці від 20 to 30 years. They occur suddenly. Only from 1 to 2% all cases of such attacks occur during the day. The peak of panic occurs at night. Attacks can be stopped with the help of medicines or folk remedies.

Drug treatment

Various remedies are used to treat panic attacks. Including:

  • Soothing: corvalol, tinctures of valerian and motherwort, as well as validol.
  • Tranquilizers: valocordin and Bekhterev's mixture.

All these tools give a person a sense of relief, but they cannot get rid of the root causes of the disease.

Folk remedies

Existing recipes for getting rid of panic attacks with a hangover are quite diverse. They include not only drinking decoctions of various herbs, but also exercise, as well as breathing exercises.

"Spicy" infusion

The decoction is prepared on the basis of cumin. It is taken for cooking:

  • 5 tablespoons of cumin;
  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile;
  • 2 tablespoons of valerian root.

The herbal collection is poured boiling water and infused throughout 1,5-2 hours. Taken in the morning and evening.

Infusion "Soothing"

The tool is used not only for panic attacks, але і для лікування інших захворювань. For its preparation the drink is taken:

  • 2 tablespoons lemon balm or peppermint;
  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey.

Mint and lemon balm are among the most popular and widely used herbs, which are used to curb panic attacks. Herbs can be insisted on separately or together. Before use, the broth is insisted after pouring boiling water 10-15 minutes. They drink instead of tea.

"Triple" blow

The decoction is infused with three amazing herbs. To prepare the drink is taken:

  • tansy - 1 teaspoon;
  • motherboards - 1 teaspoon;
  • calendula - 1 teaspoon.

You can drink the broth 2-3 times a day.

therapeutic baths

The benefits of therapeutic baths have been known since ancient times, but many underestimate their healing properties and prefer to take medication. The effect of the latter is sometimes much lower than water treatments.

rosemary bath

Decoction of herbs is added to a hot bath. Medicinal herbs together with hot water perfectly relax the muscles of the human body and help get rid of nervous disorders.. Decoction for the bath is prepared from 1 kg of vegetable mixture, which consists in equal proportions of rosemary, wormwood and linden. The dry vegetable mixture is boiled in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes, then insist, filtered and added to the bath. Accept it 2-3 times a week before bedtime.

juniper bath

You can use a pine or spruce branch to prepare the decoction. They are boiled in 3 liters of water for 20-30 minutes. Take such a bath, as rosemary is required 2-3 times a week before bedtime. You can replace the broth with coniferous concentrate, which is produced by the industry in a mixture with sea salt.

Modern medicine protects your health:

Zerotox >>> - a means of removing toxins: concentrate complex + powder helps cleanse and restore the body !;

Leviron Duo >>> - a means to restore the liver: living dihydroquercetin cells are the strongest helper for the liver !;

ALKOPROM >>> - drops from alcoholism: treatment of alcoholism for 30 days!

Hangover panic attacks:



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