Categories: Garden and town

Rosemary: growing in an apartment and open ground

An interesting plant, which today is not often found in the open ground, there is rosemary. Many today grow it in apartments, but this plant grows well in the garden at the cottage. But, in order to grow this shrub in your garden, you need to know what kind of care he needs, and not only, how to dry rosemary for seasoning for the winter.

About the plant

Rosemary is an herbaceous evergreen herb. It looks like a shrub. If he was cared for properly, then the height of the bush can grow up to two meters!

Thin leaves are formed on the bush, which are very similar to pine needles. They emit a strong camphor aroma, reminiscent of sea freshness.

The bush during flowering forms small blue flowers. They gave the plant a second name - "bride's dress" or "wedding color".

Today, rosemary leaves are widely used as spices and seasonings. If they are properly prepared for the winter, then you can store them for a long time. In addition, rosemary leaves should be stored for this reason, that they have medicinal properties. Also, such shrubs can be used to create a hedge in the country around the garden.

You can grow this plant in the open ground in the country or garden, and in the apartment on the windowsill. But, whatever place was chosen for the growth of rosemary, it needs proper care.

Video "Rosemary in a pot"

In this video, all the difficulties of growing rosemary in a pot.

subtleties of care

To grow this spicy crop in the country in the open ground or on the windowsill, you have to try. Caring for the plant requires care and patience from the gardener. There are many subtleties here, which you need to know, that the care fully meets the requirements of rosemary.

Before, how to grow this spicy plant is required, primarily, decide on a place. To date, there are many varieties of rosemary. Some are more suitable for growing outdoors in the garden, and others - on the windowsill in the house. Only the wrong choice of variety can nullify all care, even if it was perfectly accomplished. Example, fragrant rosemary is perfect for growing at home. It has a relatively simple care compared to other varieties.

Caring for rosemary involves creating such conditions:

  • lighting. For planting, you need to choose well-lit eastern or southern areas or window sills;
  • it is necessary to create a sufficient supply of fresh air. In the apartment (especially in winter) this is somewhat problematic, than in the open ground. If light and air are enough, then succulent and strong leaves are formed on the bushes;
  • for the winter the plant is recommended to be transplanted into flower pots and grown at home. In such conditions, rosemary must be additionally illuminated with special phytolamps;
  • the temperature regime should evenly distribute heat on the bushes. Therefore, the site or place, selected for growing this crop, should be well lit and warmed evenly throughout the day. At the same time it is necessary to avoid sharp temperature fluctuations. Due to this, it is especially difficult to take care of the plant in winter. In winter, the temperature should be kept within limits 5-15 degrees;
  • watering. Here it is important to know, that lack of moisture is not so detrimental to shrubs, as its excess. When the leaves turned yellow, one glass of water will help to correct the situation, but excessive watering will lead to disease and even death. Remember, that the most detrimental to the plant is stagnation in the soil moisture. In winter, watering is carried out regularly, but moderately. In the spring it is slightly increased as the air temperature rises.

Feeding is important for the growth and development of rosemary. It is introduced into the soil during the active growing season of the plant (from March to September). At this time, fertilizers are applied twice a month. Mineral and organic fertilizers should be used. It is easiest to fertilize immediately with complex fertilizers.

Because rosemary is valued for its taste, then to get the seasoning you need to cut the young shoots. At the same time it is necessary to cut only the grown shoots, which have no damage and no signs of disease, on which there are hairs, leaves and flowers. Prune shoots to prepare spices for the winter should be in the period, when the bush is actively blooming.

Fresh rosemary must be dried, so that it can be recycled and stored. But you can save and fresh escape. However, it is best to freeze. Remember, that fresh rosemary is stored much less, than dried and processed.

In the spring, to form a beautiful and lush crown in the bush, carry out pruning. You need to remove all the shoots, leaving only a couple of internodes, which were formed in the growth of last year. In addition, pruning is carried out even then, when the stem of the bush began to bare. In this case, rejuvenating pruning is performed. Shoots should be removed here, growing above the soil surface. Usually such actions are recommended in late February or early March. Standard pruning is performed at intervals of 7 years.

The main problems

There may be some difficulties in growing rosemary, which are due to the extremely rapid growth of the root system. It is many times ahead of the growth of the aboveground part of the plant. This feature of rosemary can negatively affect the condition of the bush only when growing it in the house. To save the plant, it must be periodically transplanted into a larger pot. The transplant is performed only after that, as the bush began to feel discomfort, which is manifested in the appearance of roots above the soil surface. Usually transplanted in the spring every two years.

exept this, at home, the pot with this plant should be moved from place to place. At the same time in the winter it should be kept away from heaters.

Knowing these points, you can create the most optimal and proper care for rosemary in the apartment.


In order not to buy an extra bush, rosemary can be propagated. This plant can be propagated in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

To get the handle, you need to cut the top of the bush with slightly woody branches. The length of the handle should be approximately 10 cm.

Pruning to obtain cuttings should be carried out in the spring. But in the southern regions of the country it can be done in early autumn. After receiving the handle, the following actions are performed with it:

  • clean its lower part from the leaves;
  • then the stem is placed in a pot, in which the soil mixture was poured (land, peat moss, coarse sand in the ratio 1: 1: 2). Before planting the stem soil mixture must be moistened.

You can lower the handle into a glass of plain water. But in this situation there is a high risk of death of planting material. But there is almost the same risk when planting the stem in the ground. To avoid this, watering should be moderate.

Some growers recommend placing the stem in a water container, made of dark glass. You can also add to the water 2-3 tablets of simple activated carbon. This will disinfect the water from pathogenic microorganisms.

In order to increase the chances of success in harvesting cuttings, you need to cut a few shoots. One of them will definitely take root. Transplanting into a pot is carried out in the presence of strengthened roots.

Seed propagation is very complicated. At the same time it shows low germination of planting material. But it has one significant advantage - there is no inheritance of the qualities of the mother plant.

Seeds are sown in spring or autumn. They are moistened and scattered on moist soil. After that, put plastic wrap on top of the container and wait for the seedlings. They will come down about 14-30 days. During this period, you need to constantly moisten the soil. Thinning of seedlings is carried out when reaching the seedlings 7-9 cm.

As we see, take care of rosemary at home and in the garden is quite difficult. But, if done correctly, then you get a beautiful decorative bush and delicious seasoning.

Video "How to plant rosemary from seed"

Watch the video 4 the secret of successful germination of rosemary.



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