Categories: Pest control

What do bedbugs look like?: what is the size of bedding and home, black beetle, description, video

What do bedbugs look like?? This question is of interest to many people, who have never encountered house parasites

Who are bedbugs?

Bedbugs are arthropods from the Bedbug order. There are more than one 100 thousand. Species. Distributed in all countries and continents, live in water and on land. Most of them live in South America, where you can find individual specimens of very large size: to 9 cm in length.

Bedbugs are very hardy. Nature took care of their invulnerability, giving them the following:

  • hard chitinous shell;
  • oral apparatus, which allows you to pierce the skin or plants, to receive food;
  • small size with a rounded or oval body;
  • bets, emitting a secret with a specific smell or a wax coating to scare away enemies.

Bedbugs have caustic saliva. In some predators, it dissolves the entrails of their victims.

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Bedbugs and other bed bugs
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Benches: eggs, nymphs and adults. Identification and destruction

Insects pass in the development 3 stage: egg, nymph (larva), imago (adult trait).

Bedbugs are arthropods from the Bedbug order

The main feature of bedbugs is the prickly-sucking mouthparts. This is how they differ from beetles, which are similar only in appearance. There is a proboscis on the front of the head, by which a bedbug pierces its prey, to suck juices from it or extract liquid from the plant.

There are predatory bugs, which feed on other insects, their larvae, eggs, even the remains of organisms. There is a group of parasitic bedbugs, feeding only on the blood of warm-blooded animals. Some bedbugs are herbivores. There are also omnivorous species.

Gallery: benches (25 Photo)

What do bed bugs look like? (video)

structure of semi-rigid

In their structure, bedbugs are extremely diverse. Adults have the following differences:

  1. The head can be of different shapes and sizes.
  2. The size of the bug varies from one and a half millimeters to several centimeters.
  3. The eyes are difficult (distinguishing color, determining the distance), and simple. Some species have only complex eyes, in others - both types, in the third they are absent.
  4. The tendrils are bristly or filamentous, consist of several joints.
  5. In most species, the proboscis is also divided into joints, represents the fused upper and lower lips. Inside the proboscis is 2 jaws: upper and lower. The proboscis can exceed the length of the body. It is able to bend and is under the head and chest.
  6. Usually bedbugs have 2 money wing, but there are instances of one (front), there are wingless forms. The wings are half stiff, half membranous.
  7. Legs, of different lengths, perform various functions: refugee, jumping, swimming, grasping. Some bedbugs, having long limbs, move slowly.
  8. The shape of the body can be round, oblong, oval. The pronotum is rectangular or trapezoidal. The body may be flattened.

How is bedbug baiting in the apartment

Nymphs have undeveloped wings, can't fly. They have no eyes, and tendrils with legs have fewer joints.

House bugs are called furniture bugs, bedding, linen

House parasites

House bugs are called furniture bugs, bedding, linen. There are no differences in their structure and habits. They got their names from the place of permanent base. Furniture insects live in barns, sofa, behind the walls and in the cracks of wardrobe items. House parasites feed only on human blood. Move at a brisk pace.

You need to know, what bed bugs look like, so as not to confuse them with cockroaches. Body size of house parasites 3-5 mm (males are smaller than females). Their color is from red to dark brown. Hungry larva is light yellow. After they drink blood, their body increases to 8 mm. The size of the nymphs is 1-4 mm. Eggs about the size 1 mm, similar to fig.

He, who knows, what a house bug looks like, probably already acquainted with its bites and not to be confused with other insects. Bed bugs have the following differences:

  1. Bristle-shaped jaws form 2 grooves. Through one bedbug secretes saliva in the morning for pain relief, and through another sucks blood.
  2. Lack of wings. Parasitizing, insects stopped using their wings. in addition, without them they became less vulnerable. With the loss of wings, clumsiness was lost: insects have a rounded body. In a hungry insect it is flattened. Due to this, the bedbug is very difficult to take with your fingers, especially crush it.
  3. The bloodsucker's bedding does not have bright colors or noticeable patterns. Eating, the bedbug darkens and after a few minutes becomes black.
  4. His abdomen is divided into transverse segments. When the insect ate, they expand and become particularly visible.
  5. Smell, which is secreted by females, differs from the "scents" of street relatives. It is not so smelly and resembles the smell of played berries.

House bugs multiply quickly. They are afraid of very low and high temperatures. To perish, when the air temperature drops below -22 ° C and rises higher + 45 ° C.

Useful and harmless bedbugs

Not all types of bedbugs cause people trouble. Some even bring benefits. These are predators, representatives of hunter families, crumb predators, predators. These include the following species:

  1. Bedbug perilus. Specially imported to Russia from Mexico to destroy Colorado potato beetle eggs and larvae and other pests. This bug has a black shell with red or orange patterns on the edge and in the center. It looks like a beetle. Can move quickly.
  2. Flower bugs are members of the crumb predator family (anthocorids). Their sizes from 1,5 to 5 mm. The body is dense, there are eyes, tendrils consist of 4 joints, limbs - with 2-3. Pronotum trapezoidal. They have a colorful color.
  3. Predators. Usually large. The color is solid, black or brown, body oblong, oval. The head is long and narrow, with large convex eyes. Hind legs longer than forelegs. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, exterminating pests. With a sharp proboscis, the predator stabs the victim, poisonous saliva softens its entrails and sucks out all the contents. For this he was nicknamed the killer beetle. Tropical species of predators are not so harmless: they can feed on human blood. Have a multicolored color.
  4. Representatives of the genus Antokoris are found in gardens, where they and their larvae destroy insects and eggs of fruit mites. Have an oval body no longer than 5 mm with an elongated proboscis. The color of the shell is brown, in front - black. Larvae reddish-brown, also capable of destroying garden pests.
  5. Macrologus. Their length is not more 4 mm. The body is oval, light green, covered with a rifle. Has long tendrils with 4 joints. The head is extended forward.

What remedies for bedbugs are effective
You need to know, what bed bugs look like, so as not to confuse them with cockroaches

All predatory bugs destroy dangerous plant pests: ash, thrips, ticks, greenhouse whitefly, caterpillars, tomato moth. Many species are specially bred in biolaboratories for further settlement in fields and gardens.

How to get rid of bedbugs (video)


There are bedbugs, that do not parasitize on humans, but are large pests. They destroy vegetation in gardens, fields, in gardens and flower beds. There are a lot of them, here are some of them:

  1. Cruciferous bug. It has whimsical patterns on the shell of black, blue or green spots. Beetles can be found on cabbage or radish.
  2. Toy soldiers (red-winged wingless). In the warm season, they like to be in the sun. They can be found near stumps, on cramps. They have a bright red or yellow color with a characteristic black pattern. Body dimensions 10-11 mm. However, scientists have noticed the rebirth of red bugs: their diet began to be replenished with small insects and the remains of dead invertebrates.
  3. Pear bug, or pear lace. Body length is not more 4 mm. Below it is black or reddish, the top is covered with a cellular grid. On the body, near the small head, there are leaf-like growths. The roofs are transparent, "Lace". The same lace pattern on the back. Damages pears and apple trees.
  4. Shielder village, or black-bearded shield. Another name is known - stink bug. Secret, allocated to them, causes paralysis and death in insects. He loves to live in the bushes, especially in raspberry, on herbaceous plants and tree leaves, eating their juices. Grows no more 1,5 cm in length. The front part of the shell is rectangular, the back is rounded (the shell resembles the shape of a shield), at the bottom a brown spot. It can be called a bug-chameleon, because it changes its color. In summer it is green, and closer to the fall, brown spots appear on the shell, then the bedbug becomes barely visible against the background of yellow-green leaves.
  5. Garden guard, or berry bug. In shape it resembles a forest shield, but the color is beautiful and bright, different colors. The body is flat, length 10-12 mm. Emits a pungent odor. If you swallow it with a berry, you can feel unpleasant, bitter taste.
  6. Harmful turtle. It belongs to the family of shellfish. It looks like a tortoise in color and shape. Grows to a length of 1,3 cm.
  7. Italian bedbug. Belongs to the Shields. Color yellow or red. From the head across the back are black longitudinal stripes. Grows to 1 cm.

From what in the house bedbugs get?

Among the bedbugs there are species with a color of amazing beauty and incredible patterns on the chitinous cover.

Benches, living in reservoirs

You can not ignore the water bugs. They are all predators. An example of water bugs is the Gladyshev family. That's why they got this name, that seem smooth under water. These include Gladysh, water meters, rowers, white blood cells.

Gladysh is found everywhere: from puddles to the oceans, but most of all loves stagnant water. Its color is variable and depends on it, in which reservoir it is located. The eyes are located on the back, so, to consider mining, he floats belly up. It flies very well, but moves his legs awkwardly. He does not need support to take off, can take off from the water surface, even when the abdomen is up. You have to be careful with it, because it can sting, for which he was nicknamed the water wasp.

Smooth reaches in length 15 mm. It has a flat stomach and cup-shaped wings. A pair of legs grows from the chest. Having an elongated body, it resembles a boat with oars. Making several movements of the legs, like oars, he moves a considerable distance. At the back of the abdomen is a bubble of air, which the insect breathes. He also helps the bedbug to swim.

You can not ignore the water bugs

There is more than one water meter 600 species, and they are all different from each other. Outwardly, the insect looks like a stick. Sizes vary from 1 mm to 3 cm, color - from dark brown to brown. The body and legs are covered with special hairs, thanks to which the insect can slide on water. It moves quickly, help her in this 3 pairs of limbs of different lengths. The water meter has well-developed vision, but they are still able to capture information through the oscillations of water.

Another family of bedbugs of this species - water scorpions. These are very large insects: length reaches 2,5 cm, width - up to 1 cm. The head is small, with small tendrils and eyes. Flat gray-brown body with smoky wings has at the end 2 breathing tubes, by means of which the bedbug breathes atmospheric air. The forelimbs look like scorpion claws. Loves silted fresh water. They have wings, but they fly badly, as, however, and swim. They prefer to sit on the leaves of aquatic plants, waiting for prey.

The world of bedbugs is diverse. Some of its representatives need to be exterminated (house bugs), and to coexist peacefully with others.



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