Categories: Apiculture

Pine pollen: benefit, storage, gathering, application

Pine pollen is a unique natural gift, which contains large amounts of vitamins, enzymes, phytohormones and other nutrients. This product is recommended for adults and children, athletes and intellectual workers, hypertensive, diabetics and other people with health problems.

Composition and benefits of pine pollen

The yellow dusty product contains a huge amount of nutrients. He is a record holder in mineral content. It is also part of:

  • antioxidants;
  • phytohormones;
  • B vitamins, And others;
  • enzymes;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids and so on.

Pine pollen is often used in folk medicine, because the beneficial properties of this product help fight various diseases:

  1. Enzymes contained in the natural component improve appetite and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, help get rid of diseases of the stomach and intestines, restore metabolism, normalize the microflora.
  2. Coniferous pollen has a tonic and immunomodulatory effect, and vitamins and minerals will get rid of vitamin deficiency in the winter-spring period and will help to recover in a short time after surgery or serious illness.
  3. Flavonoids and natural antioxidants remove free radicals from the body, which accelerate the aging process, and also have antitumor effects.
  4. Diuretic and choleretic properties of the product helps get rid of kidney stones and gall bladder, other diseases of these organs.
  5. Anti-inflammatory action is used for external or internal treatment. The product helps to fight inflammatory processes on the skin - acne, purulent wounds and so on, and also effective for colds, flu, sore throat, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  6. Pine pollen improves the nervous system, provides assistance in combating psychosis, nervous and stressed, improves sleep.
  7. Hepatoprotective properties in combination with enzymes, minerals and amino acids improve liver function, restoring its functionality.
  8. Anticancer properties are used in oncology. Suppression of cancer cell proliferation and restoration of healthy tissues is an excellent adjuvant therapy. In addition, the product helps to recover after radiation or chemotherapy.
  9. Iron and other minerals improve hematopoietic processes, therefore, the product is used for anemia.
  10. Antiseptic and antiviral properties help fight infectious diseases, including the intestines, as well as tuberculosis.
  11. Phytohormones restore hormonal balance in the body and relieve fatigue and irritability.

The list of useful properties of this product can go on and on. It is recommended for athletes and people, who engage in heavy physical labor, for quick recovery. Pine pollen is also useful for men, as it helps to get rid of prostatitis and adenomas, improves potency.

Methods of drying pollen at home

Rejuvenating properties are widely used in cosmetology to combat the manifestations of aging. The product smoothes wrinkles, gives the skin a fresh and attractive look, eliminates acne and helps fight other problems.

Pine and spruce pollen restores hormone production, including insulin, therefore, it is recommended for diabetes. Can be used as an additional tool.

Contraindications and harm

The healing product is useful for all categories of people: old, children and adults. It helps to get rid of many diseases, as well as prevent their occurrence. Despite its benefits, pine pollen has contraindications. Refuse to take this product in case of individual intolerance. Although coniferous pollen rarely causes allergic reactions, and allowed for use even by allergy sufferers, start taking the product in small doses and closely monitor the body's response.
Pollen should be taken with caution in such cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • with poor blood clotting.

It is also better not to give it to small children. It is a strong biostimulant, therefore, it should be used in limited quantities. Overdose can lead to health problems, as the product causes severe blood thinning and may cause bleeding.

How to collect and store

Now you can buy pine pollen online or in specialty stores, but if you want to be sure of the naturalness and quality of the product, prepare it yourself. It should be collected in early to mid-May, when the so-called "male" inflorescences appear on the pine. At first they are green, and then gradually turn yellow.
It is necessary to pluck pine cones in the period, when they turn yellow, but not yet fully disclosed. pay attention, that the period of "flowering" of conifers is only a few days, so do not miss the opportunity to stock up on natural remedies for a long time.

Arrange the collected cones in a dry place, where there are no drafts, otherwise the pollen will simply be blown away by the wind. When they dry in a few days, gently shake the pollen out of them onto a sheet of paper and sift through a fine sieve. Pour the dried pollen into a glass jar or other, non-oxidizing utensils and close the lid tightly. It can be stored for a year in a tightly closed container in a dry place away from sunlight. Knowing, how to store pollen, you can use its healing properties at any time of year.

how to take

If you know, how to take this natural product, pine pollen will only benefit you. Folk remedies can be used in its pure form. It is recommended to take pollen a day 0,5 teaspoon three times a day. That the product brought the maximum benefit, started digestive processes, improved blood circulation, it should be taken before meals.

Bee pollen: benefits and harms, features of application

If you are taking natural remedies for the first time, start with smaller doses and mix it with honey, to make it easier for the body to absorb. It is recommended to take it in its pure form in such cases:

  • in malignant tumors;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • to combat viral and infectious diseases;
  • with anemia;
  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • with prostatitis and adenoma;
  • with impotence;
  • in case of poisoning and intoxication of the body and so on.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and its manifestations. If you take pine or spruce pollen for prevention, the duration of treatment should be 3 weeks.

Pollen with honey

It is possible to use a useful substance not only in its pure form, but also in combination with other products. Pollen is most often combined with honey. You will need sweet medicines:

  • 1 liter of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of sawdust.

It is necessary to take a liter of liquid honey. If this does not happen in the house, melt the bee product, but do not heat it above 40 ° C, otherwise it will lose all useful properties. Add pollen to honey and mix thoroughly.

It is necessary to use useful delicacies 2 teaspoons three times a day in such cases:

  • with tuberculosis;
  • in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with prostate adenoma and other diseases.

Features of the product by children

Useful pine pollen for adults, and for children. If you plan to give your child coniferous pollen, follow the recommendations below:

  1. Do not give the product to younger children 6 years.
  2. Start with a dose, that in 10 times less than an adult.
  3. At the first use of pollen by the child carefully watch reaction of an organism.
  4. Gradually increase the dose, but the maximum amount of pollen at a time for children should not exceed a quarter of a teaspoon.
  5. For better absorption of the product by the child's body, mix it with honey, but only in case, if the child is not allergic to bee products.

Application in folk medicine

Pine pollen has found its wide application in folk medicine. Alternative medicine offers various recipes for the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases.

milk infusion

To treat bronchitis, pollen is mixed with honey or another recipe is used. You need to do the following:

  1. Put a liter of milk on the fire. When it boils, turn off the heat and pour pollen into it with a thin stream, stirring constantly. Watch out, so as not to form lumps. The mixture does not need to be boiled. You can add a tablespoon or two of sugar to taste.
  2. Wrap the container with milk in a cloth or towel, to retain heat for as long as possible.
  3. When the mixture has cooled, pour it into glass or ceramic opaque dishes and send in the refrigerator.

Palm pollen - all about a unique Arabic product

You need to take medication 2 teaspoons two or three times a day. Spruce pollen from the throat is used according to the same recipe. These medications are good for those, who is allergic to honey.

Tincture of pine pollen

Alcohol tincture is used to treat neuroses, depression, to improve blood circulation and other diseases. You can prepare the tincture at home. You will need this:

  • 50 grams of pollen;
  • 100 grams of dry cones;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Put pollen and cones in a non-oxidizing container. Glass will do well, ceramic or wooden utensils. Fill everything with vodka. Alcohol can be replaced 200 ml of alcohol and 300 ml of spring water.

Insist tincture for three days. Strain the tincture before use, best through filtered paper. It is necessary to accept tincture on 1 teaspoon half an hour before eating. The drug can be diluted in water or warm drinks, example, tea.

Recipe of folk medicine for bronchial asthma

For people, suffering from bronchial asthma, folk medicine offers an effective recipe with pine pollen. You will need:

  • 0,5 kg of pine cones;
  • 500 city. sugar;
  • 500 ml of water.

Bring the water to a boil and dilute the sugar until completely dissolved. Send cones to the prepared syrup, first removing it from the fire. Cover the dishes with a lid and wrap in heat, leave to cool completely.

When the syrup is well infused and completely cooled, it is filtered and sent to the refrigerator for storage. Prepared syrup should be taken daily on a tablespoon three times daily before meals. You need to take medication for a long period.

Use in cosmetology

Due to the unique rich composition, pine pollen has this effect on the epidermis:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves blood circulation of dermal cells;
  • gets rid of acne and comedones;
  • gives freshness to the face;
  • makes clear facial contours and so on.

Pollen also has a positive effect on hair, making them healthy and silky. For cosmetic purposes, it is used internally, and externally.

Most often, a unique product is added to face masks. It is mixed with honey, sour cream and lemon juice. This mask not only improves skin nutrition and smoothes wrinkles, but also slightly lightens the complexion. This mask can be used for oily, and with dry skin.

Pine pollen is well used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The uniqueness and usefulness of this product is recognized even by official medicine. Sweden has even developed a drug based on pine pollen. This natural remedy helps to overcome almost any disease and illness, and also prevents their occurrence. The use of coniferous pollen can heal the whole body.



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