Thermal insulation for chimney pipes. The need for thermal insulation. Materials

The chimney is inconspicuous, but a very important detail of a private home. He is unfairly deprived of proper attention, and often forget to spend time on repairs or quality service. Mention the chimney, when serious problems arise. Exposed to wind and precipitation, the design of the smoke extraction system begins to gradually collapse. However, timely insulation of the chimney will increase its service life.

Thermal insulation of chimney pipes can be done in different ways, using the most convenient materials

The need for thermal insulation

The feasibility of insulation is due to several reasons.

  • thermal insulation of the chimney prevents rapid cooling. In accordance, heat in the house is stored for a longer period of time;
  • thermal insulation prevents heating of the household structure;
  • apparently, the most important reason is the accumulation of condensate in the uninsulated chimney, the impact of which destroys the structure of the chimney. This problem applies not only to furnace heating systems, but also modern gas boilers.

Oxygen vapor accumulates during the operation of the chimney or fireplace. As the ambient temperature decreases, its number increases. It should be understood, that condensate is by no means a simple moisture, but in fact quite an aggressive substance, which is a mixture of moisture and acids.

Condensation can cause serious damage, as heating systems, and individual structural elements of the house, reducing the effectiveness of the facade insulation to zero. But, of course, due to condensation, materials are destroyed in the first place, used to create a chimney.

  • if the work on the insulation of the chimney with their own hands will be performed at a high professional level, clean the exhaust system will have less, because soot will settle on its walls in smaller quantities;

Useful to know! It is allowed to insulate not the whole pipe.

In some cases, you can partially insulate the pipe, paying attention only to problem areas

As for the thermal insulation of the iron chimney with their own hands, then you need to listen to the recommendations of professionals.

  • it is mandatory to insulate the outer part;
  • the area between the roof and the floor of the attic is also desirable to insulate. Although compared to the street in the attic is warmer, in the cold winter, the process of moisture condensation can begin there;
  • it is necessary to carry out warming of a pipe in the house, except taking into account fire safety requirements. in addition, the risk of burns is minimized.

Materials and features of warming

For home builders, who decided to insulate the chimney with their own hands, the approach to the implementation of this idea depends on it, what is the chimney made of. But in any case it is necessary to provide sealing of a place of removal of the flue through a roof. The following types of thermal insulation for chimney pipes best cope with this task:

  • mineral wool;
  • kaolin plates (asbestos);
  • rolled filters.

Mulite silica slabs are used for waterproofing. The advantages of this material include its ability to withstand significant temperature changes, flexibility, strength, and then, that it does not ignite.

Stainless steel flue insulation. To prevent ignition of the roofing material due to the high temperature of the flue gases, the conclusion of the pipe through the roof requires the use of additional safety measures. Collisions of roof elements with the chimney are prohibited. The passage of the pipe through the roof is hidden by a metal collar, and the free space is filled with insulation for the chimney made of non-combustible material.

Steel chimneys are often insulated with fibrous materials, example, shell of mineral wool

Glass wool is used for thermal insulation of stainless steel flue, basalt wool or expanded clay. If the design of the flue gas exhaust system has a round cross section, for the purpose of thermal insulation the metal pipe is in addition used.

In general, the procedure for insulating a stainless steel chimney looks very simple:

  • a metal pipe is placed on the flue. Its diameter should be on 8-10 centimeters more than a similar parameter of the inner channel;
  • previously prepared insulation for chimney pipes is placed in the space between these elements.

Warming of a brick chimney. Centuries-old practice of creating brick chimneys has developed a traditional approach to their insulation. It consists in plastering with lime. The volume of the solution produced for this purpose should be enough to create a layer, applied to each wall, at least thick 30 millimeters. But there are new technologies for thermal insulation of the chimney with their own hands. Example, the use of special thermal insulation boards performs this function even more effectively. They can be fastened with wire or in the same solution.

Useful to know! In any case, the thermal insulation of the outer walls of the pipe leads to an increase in their density, what, in turn increases the level of protection of the structure from destruction.

You can insulate a brick chimney by plastering the outer surface

At correctly executed thermal insulation at a stage of installation, the service life of the flue will be increased. in addition, a properly insulated chimney, even with your own hands, will reduce costs, necessary for its current repairs.

Perform the insulation procedure in the following order:

  • prepare pieces of insulating material. Do this after measuring each wall of the flue;
  • fix the previously prepared segments with the solution on the chimney wall;
  • make facing from asbestos-cement plates or a bricklaying;
  • additionally plaster the brickwork.

Insulation of asbestos-cement flue. And in this case, each wall of the pipe must be covered with a layer of insulation. Slag or other non-combustible material is used to clog the chimney outlet through the roof. The heater is placed in the gap between the outer surface of the asbestos-cement pipe and the protective cover of stainless steel.

Follow the sequence of measures for thermal insulation:

  • assemble the protective cover from the individual parts. The height of each component should not be more than one and a half meters;
  • put the cover on the flue at the location of the chimney outlet through the attic floor;
  • insulate the free space with insulating material (can even be loose, type expanded clay and so on. d.);
  • waterproof the outside of the chimney.

For some types of chimneys insulation is used in bulk materials, which are placed between the inner and outer pipe

Flue insulation with wooden boards

This method is also considered simple, and a person can realize it with his own hands, who has only basic skills in the construction industry. The order of performance of works is presented below.

  • first build a wooden frame around the pipe from the stove or other heat generating unit. To do this, use a bar 40?40 mm;
  • then cover it with colored kraspan, intended for finishing of facades of houses. If funds do not allow, you can use flat slate;
  • completing the cladding, fill the gap or slag, or sand, or pieces of glass. It is allowed to mix all these materials. Filling the voids, compact all this mass;
  • after filling the voids, start creating a decorative frame frame. The choice of material is limited only by your imagination and ease of installation. Example, fastening of a color profiled sheet to boards of a design is carried out by roofing self-tapping screws, and does not involve any difficulties.

Useful to know! The cost of colored kraspan is lower, than the siding. And modern industry produces these products in the widest range of colors.

Chimneys insulated in this way retain heat for a long time, and even their active use will not give you problems.

A layer of any refractory insulation should be laid between the wooden frame and the pipe

Warming of a chimney or a solid propellant copper

To insulate the flue as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to create not only heat-resistant, but also a moisture barrier. This requirement is due to, that the flue duct or solid fuel boiler heater is mounted in most cases on the facade of the building. Therefore, such units are equipped as standard, and purchased air ducts, which are made with a sandwich scheme. That is, between two inserted into each other pipes, the smallest of which produces combustion products, laid a layer of mineral wool. The external pipe thus carries out function of the case of a flue and protects a heater from atmospheric moisture.. Installation of such chimneys is performed on the facade, and on the wall of the building they are fastened with collapsible clamps with a screw leg.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that, that first a sandwich tee is connected to the horizontal channel, and the first knee of the chimney is mounted on its open end. The method of joining the elements of the duct - in the bell. The main advantage of such a technical solution is that, that you can assemble a chimney with a sandwich-type thermal insulation in half an hour. And experienced home builders generally need a few minutes.

The main disadvantage is the high price of the kit. But expensive sandwich chimney type insulation has an alternative in the form of ordinary stainless steel or galvanized steel pipe, insulated winding. Deciding, than to wrap, the moisture resistance of the material must be taken into account. Warming of metal pipes, located outside the heating zone, made of foil materials. To implement this option of thermal insulation of the chimney, do the following:

  • assemble a vertical section of the chimney on the ground. Fix measuring sections of pipes on self-tapping screws;
  • unroll along the assembled air duct a roll of foil minvati or Pinoizol. The molding of the selected insulation must correspond to the length of the pipe;
  • lay a pipe on top of the insulation;

pay attention! Laying is carried out on the inner layer. That is, after unrolling, the foil should be in contact with the ground.

A sandwich chimney can be assembled from two steel pipes of different diameters and flexible insulation

  • secure the edge of the insulation to the pipe with scotch tape;
  • roll the chimney into the insulator, forming a kind of roll, in the center of which is the air duct. Secure the free edge with scotch tape;
  • push the created semi-finished sandwich chimney into a pipe with a large diameter. So, the insulation will be packed in a moisture-resistant case.

Then the chimney with thermal insulation, made by sandwich technology, mount on a tee, translates the horizontal branch of the duct into a vertical position, and fasten to the wall.

Council! Fasten with screw clamps.

Materials for thermal insulation of the chimney of the fireplace

Today there is a great variety of such building materials on sale. Let's briefly consider the most popular.

Stone fiber. It is issued in the form of heat-insulating rolls and plates. Happens with a foiled surface and without such. The first can withstand temperatures up to + 7500 degrees! Technology of production of stone fiber - melting of limestone or marl in a mixture of gabbro-diabase rocks taken in certain proportions. The resulting fibers are glued with a small amount of binder, slightly compressed into artificial products, then metal foil is applied to one side.

Properties of stone fiber slabs:

  • fire resistance;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • resistance to rot;
  • durability;
  • detained in case of fire for a certain period of time destruction of load-bearing structures of the building.

Mullitosilicate fiberglass. It is often called kaolin wool, less often - ceramic. This material is obtained by melting a mixture of pure quartz sand and technical alumina, followed by inflating its melt into fibers. Production is carried out by artificial products - rolls and plates. However, on sale there is mullitokremnezemistoe fiber, similar to lump cotton wool, packed in boxes. Organosilicon compounds usually act as a binder, liquid glass, alumina cement and refractory clay.

Refractory wool or MKRV is a multicomponent material, able to withstand high temperatures

Such artificial products are characterized:

  • good sound insulation;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • flexibility (due to this, the insulation fits snugly to the insulated surface);
  • high temperature and heat resistance;
  • low heat capacity.

Application temperature: for a short time - up to +1250, in the long run - no more +1150 degrees. It is worth considering, that this material is quite expensive.

Superizol. The basis of this strong and effective insulation is calcium silicate of fine structure. Operating temperature ?WITH. It has a low average density, which is easy to handle and environmentally friendly. Installation is performed by gluing to the insulated surface with IZOLGLUE glue. in addition, superizole is attached by a system of compounds, known as G-K, or self-tapping screws. To saw a plate from this material, quite an ordinary saw.

Arranging your fireplace, should know, that superizole is used in the course of almost all insulation work. In particular, for the organization of thermal insulation of facing of a fireplace insert, walls behind the fireplace, passage of the chimney through the wall, floor and roof.

The most popular materials are listed above. But on the market you can see more such chimney flues, as vermiculite plates, superpower, gypsum fiber sheets, minerite and others.