Categories: Apiculture

Veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping bees in settlements, homesteads

Rules for keeping bees in settlements are not regulated by a single legal act, but somehow affected by some, which regulate personal farms, area of ​​animal husbandry, as well as other areas of human life.

Why it is necessary to follow certain rules?

As soon as the honey harvest season comes in the villages, cities, as well as country communities, the number of complaints against individuals is growing, contain bees in their backyards.

Of course, cases of slander are not excluded, when neighbors are just at enmity with each other and looking for any excuse to do mischief to others, yet such claims are often unfounded.

Most people can withstand single bites, and many will not pay any attention to this fact at all, Moreover, that a bee sting is considered to be in some way beneficial to human health.

But, after all, there is a fairly large percentage of people, suffering from allergic reactions to bee venom. And what about small children, elderly people or those, who has such a small plot, which does not allow to fully dispose of them, as neighboring bees manage here?

After all, each of us, buying a house in the countryside or a country cooperative, dreams of unity with nature, comfort, silence, as well as the absence of irritating and disruptive factors.

It is for these reasons that the state went to meet the people, having developed certain rules and regulations of the law, providing correct and safe keeping of these insects in the conditions of settlements.

Truth, there is a problem - the legislator forgot to put everything together and give these rules the status of Federal law.

The rules for keeping bees in human settlements are mandatory (enshrined in the acts), so desirable items. If for the first violation the law establishes a certain responsibility, then the second can cause damage to you and your bees:

  • mass plague;
  • risk of death of families;
  • low medical collection, etc.. d.

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What regulates the keeping of bees in the backyard

Basic Law on Keeping Bees in Settlements - Federal Law "On Personal Auxiliary Farm", published under the serial number 112.

According to this act, citizens are allowed to keep bees on their plot, but subject to full and strict adherence:

  • sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • environmental rules;
  • urban planning regulations;
  • building regulations.

This kind of rule, norms and regulations are not enshrined in any normative act, and scattered on various documents. To the main ones, which reflects the main rules of keeping hives, include the following:

  1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping bees, which provide for mandatory regulations of the institution, breeding and keeping bees, established during the existence of the USSR (15.12.1976) functioning at that time the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.
  2. Instruction, which includes various actions to prevent and eliminate diseases of domestic insects and pests in bees, released under number 13-4-2/1362 (17.08.1998) Department of Veterinary Medicine and signed by its head Avilov.
  3. Instruction, which consolidates and regulates the maintenance of bee colonies and the organization of beekeeping within cities, other settlements and country cooperatives, created and approved by Ulyanichev (Director of FDM Pcheloprom) 17.06.2002.

Feeders for bees with their own hands - there is nothing easier

Attempts have been repeatedly made in our country to regulate the keeping of bees in settlements by law., which would include all the combined regulatory norms. But such attempts did not pass further stages of the project.

So, not entered into force project documentation has no legal force and can not regulate legal relations.

Basic rules for keeping bees in the backyard

Placement of hives

Bee colonies together with their houses should be located at a certain distance from the areas of the nearest neighbors. To date, it is set in size 10 meters.

In that case, when your backyard does not allow such placement due to limited footage and insufficient land for accommodation, houses can be located at a height of 2 meters.

If this option is impossible to implement, that is another way to get bees according to the rules - to install a fence.

Between the place, where the evidence is located and the territory of the adjacent site must be installed a fence of at least 2 meters in height or there must be a structure of the same height (garage, barn, house, etc.).

If the plot, where you plan to place your bees, adjacent to the preschool, school, hospital or other public institution, then the houses should not be closer, than 100 meters to these objects.

Number of bee colonies

This point of the rules is regulated by the executive power of each settlement separately.

Usually, number of families, what you can get depends on the area of ​​your site.

On average, one bee colony should come from 30 to 35 square meters.

Prevent swarming of bees

In their normal state, bees are not dangerous to humans, as do not differ in aggression in that case, if you do not touch them. But, there is such a state of swarming, at the onset of which bees can be life threatening, and the health of humans or any pet.

Beekeepers, who want to keep bees in the village, must prevent swarming of their bees in every possible way, to protect themselves and others.

The following measures must be taken to properly prevent this process:

  1. About 10 days before the main honey harvest, your bees must be loaded with work. To do this, you can add frames to the hive or deliver additional cases.
  2. It is necessary to make a layer from the family with the uterus, and next to the breeding frame to deliver.
  3. Rejuvenate the uterus, if the past is already considered too old and inappropriate (her more 4 years). Swarming will definitely not be in that hive, where the uterus of everything 1-2 years.
  4. If the scorching sun is constantly shining on the evidence, then do so, so that they are in the shadows, as swarming may begin due to overheating and extreme heat.
  5. Plant as many plants as possible on the site, provoking an increase in honey collection, thus your bees will be busy with important work and they will not swarm.
  6. Make layers against swarming.

Preparing bees for wintering outdoors

Responsibility for bees

Because bee colonies are the property of the beekeeper, that's for you, what bees will do, will meet their owner, including in material terms. If the damage was caused by the families of different beekeepers, then it must be divided equally.

If the beekeeper will follow all the rules of care and maintenance of bees, then he will not have to try this point of rules on himself. Today the practice of insurance of the responsibility in case of damage by bees of the insured person is considered widespread..

So you will not only be sure of it, that you can compensate for the losses of others, but you can also get compensation in the situation, when something happened to your bees.

Maintenance of sanitary-veterinary passport

Such a document must be present with each beekeeper regarding his apiary. This passport is issued by the district or city administration of the state veterinary service.

The main purpose of this document is, that at inspection of beehives by veterinarians in it it was possible to make marks about a condition of bee colonies.

Also, this paper is very important in this case, when you plan to sell bee products on the market or exchange products.

Beekeeper's journal

There is no mandatory form for such a document. You can develop it for yourself or choose your favorite template on the Internet. Here are some examples:If you also keep a diary, then the following information should be entered in it:

  • any years in the bee colony;
  • profit and loss from the hive, weight;
  • what period honeysuckle bloomed;
  • temperature regime and at what time it passed best.

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Beekeeping - what a beekeeper needs to know

Bee breeds, which are suitable for breeding within the settlement

To avoid possible problems with neighbors, it is best to breed peaceful breeds of bees. Such bees swarm, almost never bother neighbors, as well as fairly easy to care for and maintain.

Such breeds are the Carpathians, Italian, Caucasian bee, country and other breeds.

Evil breeds, in which the tendency to aggression is noted is inadmissible to contain within the settlement.

Rules of transportation of bees

Proper transportation of bees - these are the actions, that will allow you to least disturb your evidence, and ensure good honey collection.

Feeding bees in August - how to do it right

They should not feel discomfort while moving, shaking, but be sure to be well ventilated and ventilated. The best time for transportation is night or dusk.

It is then that the bees will avoid overheating and will be calmer. Your apiary needs to be transported connected by several hives and installed 2-3 tiers, covered with an awning and always on a straw mat.

By law transport, transporting bees, has no right to stay in the settlement longer, than 15 minutes. The only exception is the verification of proper transportation by the relevant structures, stopping the car.

Proper care

Following this rule will not only increase the collection of honey from each hive, but also to raise the quality of nectar, reduce the level of diseases, etc.. d. In the spring (April May) be sure to inspect the hives, cleaning, transplanting fresh houses.

Also, be sure to check your bees for diseases and ticks closer to summer. In summer, too, do not leave your insects alone:

  • check for disease;
  • see how the supply of honey;
  • remove the filled frames;
  • deliver new frames, thus preparing families for the main honey harvest.

Towards the end of August - beginning of September, the last assessment of the condition of the nests takes place, feeding with sugar syrup, preparation of bees for winter.

How should the evidence be located on the site

According to the rules of keeping bees in rural areas or within any settlement, the beekeeper is obliged to comply with all the requirements of the law, to avoid possible administrative or criminal liability for violations.

So, a little above has already been reported, that you should place the houses away from the neighboring area (no less 10 meters), or above the level of human growth (more 2 meters) behind a high fence or buildings.

There are a few more rules, enshrined in law, and are binding:

  1. Airplanes should not face other areas. All hives should be located inside the own yard.
  2. If your apiary is stationary and does not involve movement, then the hives must be installed on special poles height from 30 see above ground level.
  3. Do not place hives too close together. Minimum distance - 3,5 meters. If the hives are arranged linearly, then between each adjacent line there should be a span of about 10 meters.
  4. When placing an apiary in the village, you should make platforms in front of the holes, which will serve for that, that bees clean up garbage here, as well as insect carcasses. Then the beekeeper will either burn them or collect them to the general rubbish. For the most part, the size of such a site should be close 50 on 50 cm. This will be enough for any type of hive.

The most important thing for every beekeeper is to take precautions. And then no problems will arise by definition.



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