Categories: Apiculture

Vitamins in honey - composition, properties, how to take

Due to the hard work of bees, the delicacy is rich in nutrients, among which vitamins are of special value in honey. Thanks to this, natural honey is of great benefit to the human body and is endowed with the ability to cure many diseases.

The chemical composition of amber dessert

To date, the mystery of the components of honey is not fully solved. In the product, depending on its origin, contains at least 100 compounds (often this figure reaches 400), without which the proper functioning of organs and systems is impossible. The mass fraction of water in honey is 15-20%, rest 80-85% account for dry matter.

That carries the bee delicacy?

  1. Natural simple sugars (glucose and fructose) are not less 70%, and more often and much more. Their benefit is easy and fast assimilation by the body without spending energy reserves. Maltose and sucrose are also present (main sources of energy), only in much smaller quantities - from 1 to 15%. Their number varies depending on the variety and stage of maturation of honey.
  2. Acids are divided into organic and inorganic and are contained in delicacies in small quantities. The first in the bulk are apple, dairy, lemon and glucon, and inorganic - hydrochloric and phosphoric acids. Substances are produced due to chemical reactions, passing in honey, or come in contact with other bee products. The taste and bactericidal properties of the product depend on the acidity index. The acid number is influenced by the plant, from which pollen was collected, climatic conditions, time of nectar collection and processing.
  3. Nitrogen-containing substances with a protein part (enzymes) fall into the delicacy with the secretions of bee glands and pollen. Their number in the product is insignificant and rarely reaches 1% (only in dark varieties and padev honey). Enzymes are vital, as they act as catalysts for various processes in the body. Amylase (diastasis) - the most studied enzyme, the level of which determines the naturalness and maturation of amber dessert. The higher the diastasis number, the better honey. But it is worth paying attention to that, that some varieties of honey naturally contain low levels of the substance, and this does not make the product unnatural.
  4. Amino acids make up a small amount. Which exactly, their number and action directly depends on the natural origin of honey and the conditions of nectar collection.
  5. Macro - and micronutrients. A variety of substances in this series includes bee dessert - about 40 minerals. Variations and balance of components vary depending on the nectar collected. Brought, that part of the trace elements in honey is in proportions similar to the balance of human blood, this accelerates its assimilation and explains the therapeutic effect. Minerals occupy a significant part in the composition of honey in number and variety.
  6. Honey contains vitamins in very small quantities, but their significance is very great. This is due to the balanced composition in relation to other nutrients, especially enzymes and trace elements. The main source of vitamin components of the delicacy is pollen, the more it is in the composition, the more vitaminized the product. According to their chemical properties, almost all vitamins in bee medicine belong to the group of water-soluble, their number remains unchanged even during long storage, since honey has an acidic environment.

Genetic memory of honey

In addition to the main components, honey includes mushrooms (close 40 varieties), yeast, aromatic and coloring substances, on which taste qualities depend, shelf life and properties of the delicacy.

Vitamin composition of honey

It is worth paying special attention to that, what vitamins are contained in honey and what is their importance for humans. Different varieties of amber dessert have a unique composition, and find exactly the same is impossible. This factor depends on the percentage of pollen grains in the product and the honey species.

Honey contains such vitamins (the average value based on 100 grams of product):

  • Vitamin A (0,04 mg) increases the restorative functions of the epidermis, exhibits antioxidant properties, this improves the condition of the skin. Participates in digestive processes, development and growth, performs an immunomodulatory function;
  • Vitamin B1 (0,01 mg) has a positive effect on mental activity and the nervous system. Helps normalize digestion, stimulates appetite, blood circulation, energy processes and transmission of muscle impulses. It also inhibits the aging of the body and is necessary for normal development and health of teeth;
  • Vitamin B2 (0,04 mg) participates in the metabolic processes of minerals, especially iron, carbohydrates and fats. Prevents the appearance of cracks and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, necessary for the beauty of hair and nails. This vitamin does not accumulate in the body;
  • Vitamin B6 (0,02 mg) is a catalyst for protein production, fats, enzymes and nucleic acids. Optimizes the work of the central and peripheral nervous systems, while reducing the risk of seizures and numbness of the extremities. Increases resistance to stressful situations and prevents dermatological diseases;
  • Vitamin C (2 mg) acts as a powerful antioxidant, at the same time strengthens small and large blood vessels and lowers cholesterol. Significantly increases the immune response with sufficient intake of ascorbic acid. Detoxifying effect is based on the removal of toxins and heavy metals;
  • Vitamin E (4 mg) stabilizes cellular structures and has an antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process. Stimulates the brain: improves memory and concentration. Also prevents thrombosis of large blood vessels and strengthens the immune system;
  • Vitamin K (1 mg) - the main substance in the body, responsible for blood clotting. Its deficiency leads to hemorrhage and bleeding. Participates in the formation of bone and cartilage tissues;
  • Vitamin PP(0,2 mg) or nicotinic acid is involved in energy production, normalizes the cardiovascular system, preventing the formation of excess cholesterol in the blood. Reduces physical illness and stops premature aging;
  • Pantothenic acid (0,1 mg) stimulates the adrenal glands, this explains the effectiveness of the vitamin in the treatment of allergies, heart and joint diseases. Vitamin is also involved in oxygen saturation of the brain, synthesis and metabolism of vital substances;
  • Folic acid (0,08 mg) "Responsible" for the development of the circulatory and immune systems. Without it, full maturation of erythrocytes is impossible. DNA formation, metabolism and production of amino acids - folic acid is involved in all these processes. In the absence of the substance develops megaloblastic anemia;
  • Biotin (0,15 mg) is involved in the synthesis of vitamin C., metabolism of proteins and fats. Its deficiency leads to poor skin health, hair, nails and depression of the nervous system;

A convenient spoon for honey - in every home

How to take amber dessert for healing

The fact that honey contains a fairly wide list of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients makes the product useful in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

It is recommended to take a medicinal delicacy 100-200 grams per day.

The dose should be divided into three doses as follows, so that most of it falls during the day. It is more effective to use the product in its pure form, drinking water or warm tea. If for some reason this is unacceptable, then add the dessert to a warm, by no means hot, herbal infusion or tea.

How much honey to take depends on it, what vitamins are part of it and in what quantity. You should also consider the body's reaction to a fairly allergenic dessert.

This beekeeping product is an excellent natural source of vital substances, which are easily and almost completely assimilated. For the prevention of various pathologies and increase the body's resistance, no synthetic vitamins can be compared with the time-tested all-time favorite amber dessert.



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