vseznayko.com.ua | Useful articles and tips from Vseznayka

A collection of useful tips from the Vseznayko site. Interesting articles, tips and information

Day: March 22, 2020

Repair and restoration of the balcony slab in Khrushchev

Due to corrosion and erosion wear of the facade of buildings is such a useful part of the apartment, as the balcony can collapse. To prevent this,…

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Moonshine machines "Dobrovar": Advantages and disadvantages

The series of moonshine machines "Dobrovar" differs in a large number of models, which are designed to work with pressure cookers. The equipment is included: ректифікаційні колони

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How to choose a trunk on the roof of a car Ford Focus 3

Owners of Ford Focus cars 3 c three types of bodies (sedan, hatchback and station wagon) часто прагнуть збільшити практичний функціонал

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How to make a single-line power supply scheme with your own hands, advice from experienced professionals

How to make a single-line power supply scheme with your own hands, advice from experienced professionals

Very often, in order to simplify the perception of drawings on the power supply, certain techniques are used, однією з яких є однолінійна система

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