What are the characteristics of silver: melting point, nuances of remelting at home

For thousands of years, people have used the precious white metal to make jewelry, utensils, decorative interior items, coinage. He is beautiful, easy to extract and process, but the list of benefits does not end there.

Silver has a shiny white color, which gives it excellent reflective properties - the reflection coefficient is 95% - so it is used in the manufacture of high quality mirrors instead of aluminum.

Properties of silver

Silver has a high density, which makes it heavy and allows you to make thin foil and wire.

Another undeniable advantage is its exceptional heat - and electrical conductivity - the best of all metals - which has made it virtually indispensable in the chemical industry and in the manufacture of high-tech devices.

  1. Areas of application and properties.
  2. Melting point.
  3. Remelting at home.

From ancient times the people know the disinfectant properties of this metal, which also contributed to its widespread use. Even in ancient Egypt, silver plates were applied to wounds, and in Persia BC the water for the fighting army was kept in silver vessels.