Inverter welding of aluminum at home - rules, because of, video

Inverter aluminum welding, carried out in industrial and domestic conditions, - This is a very common technological process, as products from this metal are used almost everywhere. Wide popularity, which is different from this metal, due to its unique properties: small specific gravity, high heat, as well as electrical conductivity, ability to withstand mechanical loads. Development of welding equipment allows to connect aluminum parts with the use of inverter at home.

Welding of aluminum parts at home

Features of aluminum welding using an inverter

Use a welding inverter at home to perform welding of parts, made of aluminum, admissible, it is enough to adhere to a number of simple conditions. The device itself, used to perform work with aluminum parts, may be the simplest, the main focus is on consumables. To cook aluminum parts at home, requires several components.

Scheme of argon arc welding of aluminum

  • Buy electrodes, which are specially designed for welding this metal. You can learn such electrodes by marking them: OZA, OZA-1, OZR, OZR-2, OZANA, OZANA-1. Using these electrodes, you can cook not only aluminum, but also other metals, characterized by high thermal conductivity.
  • in addition, you will need a welding inverter, as which the equipment even with the most modest characteristics will approach.
  • An oven is required to prepare the electrodes for aluminum welding: in it they will be subjected to preheating. Such a procedure, as a pre-frying of the electrodes, is mandatory when welding aluminum. The quality and reliability of the formed weld directly depends on it.

Homemade oven for drying and heating electrodes

Performing welding of this metal by an inverter at work or at home, it is important to consider a number of nuances, on which the quality of the connection is created.

  • The surface of aluminum parts must be carefully cleaned of refractory oxide film, which is always present on it. Abrasive materials are used for this purpose, metal brushes or chemicals.
  • Unlike steel, aluminum does not change the color of its surface during heating, which significantly complicates the control over the performance of welding work.
  • To ensure high-quality heating of parts, connected in the process of welding, it is necessary to act slowly, carefully controlling each stage of technology.
  • Because aluminum has a high fluidity, welds are made in one layer. To avoid leakage of molten metal, it is necessary to use metal substrates.
  • Cooling of aluminum after heating, caused by welding, can cause deformation of welded parts and the appearance of cracks in the resulting joint. To avoid this, it is advisable not to place the welds too close to each other.

The technology of welding aluminum with an inverter is slightly different from the technology of similar work, made of ferrous metals. That is why, having experience in welding, you can successfully apply your skills when welding this metal.

What should be the inverter, which is used for welding aluminum

Inverters of various modifications can be used for welding of aluminum, but, if you are just deciding on the choice of such equipment, then it will be optimal to prefer models, the design of which allows the possibility of connecting a special set-top box for the supply of shielding gas (argon).

The device for argon arc welding Cedar TIG-259P

You can cook this metal at home with an electrode, but, if the quality of the molded joint is subject to high requirements, it is better to use semi-automatic welding or to perform welding works by means of melting, which is made of tungsten, and filler rod.

The video will help you choose the right semiautomatic device, which considers several budget models.

Use to connect aluminum inverter parts, unlike the use of other types of welding machines, provides a lot of benefits, to the main of which should be attributed:

  • rapid ignition of the welding arc, as well as its stable combustion;
  • getting quality, good and reliable weld;
  • the ability to weld sheet material of small thickness;
  • versatility, which makes it possible to use the inverter for welding using as usual, and non-melting electrodes.

In the labeling of inverters, which can be combined with a shield for shielding gas supply, the TIG designation is present. Such inverters differ from conventional models by the presence of an oscillator in their design, generating high frequency voltage pulses, which facilitates the ignition of the arc. in addition, the design of such devices provides for the presence of a valve, regulating the flow of shielding gas, supplied to the welding zone.

Rules of preparation for welding works and their carrying out

If we talk about the quality of inverter welding parts, made of aluminum, as well as alloys of this metal, then it turns out the best, if it is performed in a protective argon gas environment and melts with the use. Such welding can be carried out at home, using an inverter and appropriate consumables.

Tungsten electrodes for welding in shielding gas

Naturally, that for such welding it is necessary to use additional equipment, which provides the feed, and shielding gas flow control. You will also need a balloon, in which this gas is contained.

The quality of welding directly depends on it, how carefully the preparatory work was carried out. The main purpose of such works is to destroy the refractory oxide film, present on the surface of aluminum products. in addition, if it is necessary to perform welding of parts of considerable thickness, it is desirable to heat the joint area, using an ordinary gas burner.

Technology of welding works, carried out with aluminum using an inverter, looks as follows.

Preparation of welded surfaces by mechanical means

  • The ends of the details, connecting and area, adjacent to the future weld, thoroughly cleaned, for which a metal brush is used or (in some cases) chemical agent.
  • If welding is planned to be performed with electrodes, on which the special covering is put, which is often practiced in a garage or home workshop, then the electrodes must be preheated in a special furnace.
  • Welding work is performed slowly. This is necessary for that, to ensure high-quality heating of the connected parts. When welding aluminum and alloys of this metal electrodes and filler rod do not produce perverse oscillations, and the welding itself is performed in one layer. To learn more about the nuances of this process, you can watch the training video.
  • Protective gas, used to perform welding, begins to be served a few seconds before it begins. You also need to wait after the process 5-7 seconds, and then turn off the gas supply.

so, perform welding work with this metal, like aluminum, it is possible and in house conditions, it is important only to use the appropriate equipment and consumables. Naturally, it is necessary to have the skills to perform welding work - one thematic video will not be enough, if you are unfamiliar with the inverter.

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